Day 15 - might / could Questions Flashcards
어떻게 그 남자가 여자 친구가 없을 수 있겠어?
How could he not have a girlfriend?
어떻게 거기에 없을 수가 있지?
How could it not be there?
어떻게 그걸 못 볼 수가 있지?
How could you not see it?
어떻게 걔 이름을 잊어버릴 수가 있어?
How could you forget his name?
진심으로 내가 너희들이랑 술 한잔할 수 있을 것 같냐?
[Do you honestly think I could / Could I honestly] have a drink with you guys?
걔가 돈이 조금이라도 있을 것 같냐?
[Do you think he could / Could he] have any money?
걔는 진짜 자기가 받을 수 있을 것 같대?
[Does he really think he could/Could he] get one?
넌 진심으로 네가 걔랑 사귈 수 있을 것 같았어?
[Did you honestly think you could date/Could you date] her?
너라면 마크선생님처럼 늙은 사람하고 진짜로 사귈 수 있겠어?
[Would you really be able to date/Could you really date] someone as old as Mark?
경쟁이 그렇게 심한데 너라면 삼성에 들어갈 수 있겠어?
[Would you be able to get/Could you get] into Samsung when there’s that much competition?
네가 서른 살쯤엔 결혼 할 수 있겠어?
[Would you be able to get/Could you get] married by the time you’re 30?
넌 걔를 믿을 수 있겠어?
[Would you be able to trust/Could you trust] him?
내가 뭘 할 수 있었겠어?
What [would I have been able to do/Could I have done]?
내가 누구를 데려갈 수 있겠어?
Who [would I be able to take/could I take]?
내가 언제 쓸 수 있겠어?
When [would I be able to write one/could I write one]?
내가 어떻게 살 수 있었겠어?
How [would I have been able to buy them/ could I have bought them]?
내가 어떻게 할 수 있었겠어?
How [would I have been able to do it/could I have done it]?
(그 방법 말고) 내가 어떻게 집에 갈 수 있었겠어?
How else [would I have been able to get home/could I have gotten home]?
(그거 말고) 내가 다른 어떤 맥주를 살 수 있었겠어?
What other beer [would I have been able to buy/could I have bought]?
(그 방법 말고) 내가 어떻게 누나랑 화해할 수 있었겠어?
How else [would I have been able to make up with her/could I have made up with her]?
어디에 있을까?
Where could it be?
걔를 언제 만났을까?
When could he have met her?
그가 어떻게 (그걸) 살 돈이 생겼을까?
How could he have gotten the money to buy it?
너한테 암내가 나서 그랬던 게 아닐까?
[Could(n’t) /Might] it [be/have been] you have B.O?
네 나이에 비해서 철이 없어서 그런 게 아닐까?
[Could(n’t) /Might] it be you’re immature for your age?
자기들 발음에 콤플렉스가 있어서 그런 게 아닐까?
[Could(n’t) /Might] it be they’re self-conscious [of/about] their own pronunciation?
네가 걔한테 감정이 있어서 그런 게 아닐까?
[Could(n’t) /Might] it be you have feelings for him?
걔가 너랑 헤어지고 싶어서 그런 게 아닐까?
[Could(n’t) /Might] it be she wants to break up with you?
그냥 네 미래가 걱정돼서 그러시는 게 아닐까?
[Could(n’t) /Might] it be they’re just worried about your future?
놀 돈이 부족해서 그런 게 아닐까?
[Could(n’t) /Might] it be he doesn’t have enough money to hang out?