Day 13 - Subjunctive (Would questions) Flashcards
너, 남자가 여자를 때리고 있는 걸 본다면, 어떻게 할 것 같아?
당연히, 난 걔를 막으려고 할 거야. 그러면 걔네 일에 신경 쓰지 않을 거야.
If you saw a guy hitting a girl, what do you think you would do?
Of course, I would try to stop him. Then I would mind my own business.
너의 미래의 아이가 신체적으로 장애를 가지고 태어난다면, 넌 어떻게 할 것 같아?
솔직히 말하면, 아이를 입양 보낼 것 같아.
If your future child [were to be/were] born physically disabled, what do you think you would do?
To be honest, I think I would give the child up for adoption.
네가 PSE에서 영어 공부를 하고 있지 않다면, 뭘 하고 있을 것 같아?
글쎄. 대학원에 들어갈 준비를 하고 있었을 것 같아.
If you weren’t studying English at PSE, what do you think you would be doing?
I don’t know. I think I would be preparing to get into graduate school.
네가 결혼을 안 했다면, (기혼이 아니라면) 네 삶은 어떻게 달랐을 것 같아?
난 솔로의 삶을 즐기고 있을 것 같아. 그리고 강남에 좋은 원룸에서 살고 있을 것 같아.
If you weren’t married, how do you think your life would be different?
I think I would be enjoying my single life, and I think I would be living in a nice studio in Gangnam.
네가 다른 나라에서 태어났다면, 네 삶이 어떻게 달랐을 것 같아?
난 영어에 유창했을 것 같아. 그리고 내 생각엔 지금쯤이면 취업을 했을 거야.
How do you think your life would be different If you’d been born in another country?
I think I would be fluent in English and I think I would’ve gotten a job by now.
너, 네 남자친구가 너를 두고 바람피웠다는 것을 알게 된다면, 어떻게 할 거야?
그 자리에서 걔랑 헤어질 거야.
What would you do if you found out your boyfriend had cheated on you?
I would break up with him on the spot.
너라면 어떤 원피스를 샀겠어?
분홍색을 샀을 거야.
Which dress would you have bought?
I would’ve bought the pink one.
네가 패션에 대해서 엄청 많이 안다면, 넌 어떻게 입겠어?
다른 건 모르겠는데, 너처럼 안 입겠지.
If you know so much about fashion, (then) how would you dress?
All I know is that I wouldn’t dress like you.
네가, 내가 잘못된 방법으로 살을 빼려고 하고 있다고 생각한다면, 너라면 어떻게 살을 빼려고 하고 있을 것 같은데?
탄수화물을 줄이고 있고, 식사를 더 조금씩 하고 있겠지.
If you think I’m trying to lose weight in a wrong way, how would you be trying to lose weight?
I would be cutting down on carbs and eating smaller meals.
내가 그렇게 하지 않는 게 좋을 거라고 생각한다면, 너라면 머리를 어떻게 자르겠어?
If you don’t think I should do that, (then) how would you get your haircut?
네 생각에 내가 현금을 너무 적게 가지고 가는 것 같으면, 넌 얼마를 가져갈 것 같은데?
난 적어도 2백만원은 가져가겠어.
If you think I’m taking too little cash, how much would you take?
I think I would take at least 2 million won.
밥이 그렇게 외로워한다면, 우리한테 소개팅을 부탁했을 것 같지 않냐?
If Bob were that lonely, [don’t you think he would’ve/ wouldn’t he have] asked us for a blind date?
초록색 입으면 내가 예뻐 보이겠냐?
[Do you think I would/Would I] look good in green?
내가 직장이 있으면, 돈이 있을 것 같지 않냐?
If I had a job, [don’t you think I would / wouldn’t I] have money?
나한테 비키니가 잘 어울릴 것 같냐?
[Do you think I would /Would I] look good in a bikini?
내가 차가 있으면, 차 타고 출근하지 않겠냐?
If I had a car, [don’t you think I would / wouldn’t I] drive to work?
왜 걔가 그만 두겠어?
Why would he be quitting?
내가 왜?
Why would I?
왜 그가 은행을 털었겠어?
Why would he have robbed a bank?
내가 왜 그러겠어? (상태)
Why would I be?
걔가 어디에 있겠어?
Where (else) would he be?
그게 아니면 걔가 뭘 하고 있겠어?
What (else) would he be doing?
스티브가 아니면 누가 놀리고 있겠어?
Who (else) would he be making fun of?
그거 아니면 내가 뭘 하고 있겠어?
What (else) would I be doing?
일하고 있지. 그거 아니면 내가 뭘 하고 있겠어?
I’m working. What (else) would I be doing?
버스 타고 왔지. 내가 어떻게 왔겠어?
I took the bus. How (else) would I have gotten here?