Cytologie des tissus mous et des os Flashcards
Lésion des tissus mous
Benign lipomas have occasional capillaries, but they are not as numerous as in hibernomas (Papanicolaou stain).
Lésion des tissus mous
(A) Delicate capillaries (arrows) can be numerous and are closely associated with tumor cells that have distinct granular and multivacuolated cytoplasm (Papanicolaou stain). (B) Lipoblast-like cells are present, but the nuclei are small and lack atypia (Papanicolaou stain).
FNA d’une lésion du rétropéritoine
Liposarcome bien différencié
The much-touted variation in adipocyte size can be subtle and easily overlooked (compare with Fig. 17.1) (Papanicolaou stain).
The enlarged, hyperchromatic nuclei of lipoblasts are scalloped because of multiple impinging cytoplasmic lipid droplets (Papanicolaou stain).
Atypical nuclei in deep-seated fatty lesions denote malignancy, even when classic lipoblasts are not readily identified (Papanicolaou stain).
FNA d’une lésion des tissus mous
Liposarcome pléomorphe
FNA d’une lésion intra-musculaire
Myxome intra-musculaire
(A) Many Intramuscular myxomas are paucicellular, comprised mostly of myxoid matrix. Rare macrophages and bland spindle cells are present (Papanicolaou stain). (B) Cellularity is more pronounced with a cellular myxoma. Stubby vessels can be seen, especially with the cellular myxoma (Romanowsky stain).
FNA d’une lésion des tissus mous
(A) The vascular component, when present, manifests itself as short curvilinear segments of thick-walled vessels with adherent matrix and pleomorphic tumor cells (Papanicolaou stain). (B) Pseudolipoblasts (arrow) contain acid mucins rather than lipid (Romanowsky stain).
Tissus mous
Liposarcome myxoïde
(A) Discrete tissue fragments contain myxoid matrix, vessels, and tumor cells (Romanowsky stain). (B) Delicate branching “chicken-wire” capillaries are easily obtained by aspiration and are seen in abundance on smears (Papanicolaou stain). (C) The lipoblasts in myxoid liposarcomas resemble signet-ring cells and histiocytes and are often associated with the vessels (Romanowsky stain).
Tissus mous
Liposarcome myxoïde
(A) Discrete tissue fragments contain myxoid matrix, vessels, and tumor cells (Romanowsky stain). (B) Delicate branching “chicken-wire” capillaries are easily obtained by aspiration and are seen in abundance on smears (Papanicolaou stain). (C) The lipoblasts in myxoid liposarcomas resemble signet-ring cells and histiocytes and are often associated with the vessels (Romanowsky stain).
Tissus mous
Chondrosarcome myxoïde extra-squelettique
(A) The extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma has a distinctive fibrillary chondromyxoid matrix (Romanowsky stain). (B) Long cytoplasmic extensions link one cell to another, often conferring a lacelike appearance (Papanicolaou stain).
Tissus mous
(A) Spindle cells are packed in cohesive tissue fragments with well-circumscribed, rigid edges (Romanowsky stain). (B) Nuclei are hyperchromatic, with finely textured chromatin in lower-grade tumors and more coarsely clumped chromatin in the higher-grade neoplasms (Papanicolaou stain).
Tissus mous
(A) Smears often contain thick tissue fragments that appear densely cellular, erroneously suggesting a sarcoma (Papanicolaou stain). (B) The neoplastic cells have abundant filamentous cytoplasm and an oval, curved, or wavy nucleus (Romanowsky stain).
Tissus mous
Sarcome synovial
There is a distinctive pattern of dispersed cells alternating with cohesive cell clusters (Papanicolaou stain).
Synovial Sarcoma, Biphasic. Epithelial differentiation is recognized as only a vague palisading of nuclei along the edges of tissue fragments or as clusters of more epithelioid-appearing cells among the spindle cells (Papanicolaou stain).
Synovial Sarcoma, Monophasic. (A) The oval to round nuclei are remarkably uniform, although rare elongated, blunt-ended, and bent forms are seen (Papanicolaou stain).
Tissus mous
Tumeur fibreuse solitaire
(A) Cellular fragments with a meshwork of irregular fascicles alternate with isolated spindle-shaped cells (Papanicolaou stain).
(B) High magnification reveals collagen fibers coursing through the tumor (Papanicolaou stain).
(C) Cell block preparations are very helpful for capturing the characteristic bland, monomorphic spindle-shaped cells insinuated between collagen bundles (hematoxylin and eosin stain).
Tissus mous
Petite lésion
(A) Smears can be cellular, with numerous myofibroblasts embedded in a myxoid matrix (Romanowsky stain).
(B) Dispersed, polymorphic myofibroblasts are characteristic (Romanowsky stain).
(C) The myxoid matrix is less conspicuous with the Papanicolaou stain.
(D) Mitoses are not unusual (Romanowsky stain).
Tissus mous, gaine tendineuse
Tumeur à cellules géantes ténosynoviales
(A) Mononuclear histiocytoid cells are arranged in clusters. There is prominent intracytoplasmic hemosiderin, imparting a speckled, ladybug-like appearance to the cells (Papanicolaou stain).
(B) Multinucleated giant cells are a prominent feature (Romanowsky stain).