CWC Unit #2 Oct. 17 Quiz Flashcards
Francis of Assisi - Who
Italian Monk
Francis of Assisi - When
AD 1181 - 1226
Francis of Assisi - Where
Assisi, Italy
Francis of Assisi - Significance
founded Franciscan Monasticism
dedicating life to itinerant preaching, life of poverty and service
Hildegard of Bingen - Who
Abbess (leader of monastery for women), composer, scientist, and advisor to kings and popes
Hildegard - When
AD 1098 - 1179
Hildegard - Where
Bingen, Germany
Hildegard - Significance
Known for her visions from God
Demonstrates direct spritual experience, visible role of women in medieval life
Sacraments - What
a Christian rite that is recognized as being particularly important and significant
Sacraments - When
confirmed by the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215
Sacraments - Significance
crucial to a Christian’s salvation, acting as visible signs of God’s grace and marking key life events
Aquinas - Who
Western Medieval Philosopher
Aquinas - When
1225 - 1275
Aquinas - Where
Aquinas - Significance
synthesizes Aristotle and Christianity
God has revealed truth in the natural world as well as supernaturally
1. Eternal (governs the entire universe)
2. Divine (revealed law)
3. Natural (revealed in nature through reason)
4. Human (laws for social and historical contexts)
Beatitude - “blessedness”
Averroes - Who
major commentator on the works of Aristotle
a chief judge and physician
Averroes - When
AD 1126 - 1198
Averroes - Where
Cordoba, Spain & Morocco
Averroes - Significance
Argued that Islam not only allows, but requires scholarly work
study past scholars and work that is already done
High Middle Ages - What
A period of growth in the Middle Ages
High Middle Ages - When
AD 1000 - 1300
High Mid Ages - Where
High Mid Ages - Significance
Thriving culture
growth of city and population
growth of universities and cathedrals
a formal act of religious censure that removes a person from a religious community or limits their membership rights
exclusion from the sacraments
The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the Christian Latin Church in the medieval period
AD 1095 - 1291
a punishment undertaken as a part of repenting one’s sins
a necessary step for removing the stain of sin from one’s soul
medieval synthesis of philosophy and theology
worshipping God w/ the mind
“rich and poor; freeman, slave; little child, boy, youth, young man…”
Bede’s Penitential (Penance)
“fiery light”
“women as large as a city”
Hildegard of Bingen
Vision 3
“religion is true and summons to the study which leads to knowledge of the Truth”
Averroes - On the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy
“God made himself poor in this world for us.”
St Francis of Assisi - The Rule of the Franciscan Order
“natural law and human law”
“end of eternal beatitude”
St Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica