culture of the late 60s Flashcards
what was the point of EXPO 67?
to celebrate the 100th birthday of Canada
what was the theme of EXPO 67?
“Man and His World”
how many people visited EXPO 67?
over 50M
how many country pavilions exhibited their cultures and traditions at EXPO 67?
when was Canada’s 100th birthday?
July 1, 1967
who were the first of the “baby boomers” and why?
teenagers- they wanted a different life than their parents
what did some boomers become?
hippies after entering a counter culture
what did the hippie fashion look like?
the “natural” look- long skirts, blue jeans, beads, long hair
where did many of the 1960s fashion come from?
what was the fashion by the end of the 1960s?
mini skirts and bikinis
what was the “Global Village” and who coined the term?
technology (television and media) was changing the world; UofT professor Marshall McLuhan
what were Canadian artists forced to do to establish healthy long lasting careers?
turn to the US
when and where did the Woodstock Music and Art Fair occur?
August 15-17, 1969 on a farm in White Lake/ Bethel, New York
what was the Woodstock Music and Art Fair from two points of view?
four days of generosity, peace, music, liberation, and expanding consciousness / four days of self indulgence, noise, promiscuity, and illegal drug use
what was the significance of the Woodstock Music and Art Fair?
politicians and manufacturers in the music and clothing industries took note of the potential of a growing youth market
what did Lester B Pearson accomplish without a majority government in 5 years?
changed auto industry
protected Canadian businesses
created national pension plan
universal health care
what was the Auto Pact and why was it put into place?
removed the tariffs on parts between the US and Canada; the Canadian auto industry was failing
when was the Auto Pact signed?
what did the Auto Pact significance on free trade and protectionism?
free trade- no tariffs
protectionism- multiple restrictions on it such as a Canadian content requirement
what would the Auto Pact help create?
the Free Trade agreement with the US
what did the Auto Pact impact?
saved the Canadian auto industry and made a huge impact on trade
what was the official Canadian flag from the 1920s to the 1960s?
the Union Jack
what did Pearson want the new flag to be?
represent every Canadian
be a symbol that all Canadians could stand under
represent Canada’s sense of identity
how did Pearson find new designs for the Canadian flag?
he let Canadians send in their own designs for the flag
when was contraception made legal?
along with contraception, what began to change in 1969?
women’s movement and sexual revolution
what was the controversy with the women’s movement and sexual revolution?
a decline in social morality
when were immigration rules in Canada changed?
what were the changes to the immigration rules?
no one should be excluded because of race
anyone who had the required skills and education should be admitted
where did the majority of Canadian immigrants come from?
changed from Europe to the Caribbean and Asia
how many people immigrated to Canada in the 1960s?
1 366 000
when was the Canadian Oil Sands project given the go ahead?
where was the centre of the Alberta Oil Sands and how much oil was in the area?
Fort McMurray; 3.9B cubic metres
by the end of the decade, what had happened to the population of Fort McMurray?
it had quadrupled
when did the Vietnam War end?
when did the NOW form and what did it stand for?
1966 / National Organization for Women
what were the goals of NOW along with other groups?
abortion rights, federally supported child care centres, equal pay for women, the occupational upgrading of women, the removal of all legal and social barriers to education, political influence, economic power for women
women in Canada 1960
____% of engineers were women
women in Canada 1960
____% of lawyers were women
women in Canada 1960
____% of dentists were women
women in Canada 1960
____% of doctors were women
women in Canada 1960
how did the amount of male high school graduates going to university compare with the amount of females?
11.3% male; 4.6% female
women in Canada 1969
what percent of university undergraduates and university professors did women make up?
36% undergraduates; 13% professors
the Royal Commission on the Status of Women
women should be free to choose whether or not to _____________________
take employment outside the home
the Royal Commission on the Status of Women
the care of children is a responsibility shared by ____________________
mother, father, and society
the Royal Commission on the Status of Women
society has a responsibility to women because of ____________________
pregnancy and childbirth
the Royal Commission on the Status of Women
in certain areas women will require special treatment to overcome the effects of ____________________
discriminatory practices