Culteral Diversity (ch2) Flashcards
Nursing is the largest subculture of?
Healthcare system- culture with customs, rules, values, and language of its own
Health of an ethic group is jeopardized when?
their cultural identity demeaned of disempowered- research has shown association between perceived racial discrimination and HTN, low birth weight, and mental disorders
Culturally safe care
Providing an environment in which people are treated with respect for their identity and dignity for who they are and in which a shared experience of listening and learning is created
Culture defined
Culture affects how people value, evaluate, and categorize life experiences
Members of a cultural group share values and ways of thinking and acting
Different from people outside of group
Smaller group of people who are members of a larger cultural group
Have certain ethnic, occupational, or physical characteristics not common in larger culture
One assumes that all members of a culture or ethnic group act alike
Cultural assimilation
When a minority group lives within in a dominant group, many of their members may lose the cultural characteristics that once made them different, and their values may be replaced by the values of the dominant culture
Mutual assimilation
Characteristics of both groups being traded
Culture shock
Feelings a person experiences when placed in a different culture perceived as strange
Sense of identification with in a collective cultural group,largely based on groups common heritage
Cultural imposition
Belief that everyone should conform to your own belief system
Cultural blindness
Occurs when one ignores differences and proceeds as though they do not exist
Cultural conflict
Occurs when people become aware of cultural differences, feel threatened, and respond by ridiculing the beliefs and traditions of others to make themselves feel more secure about their own values
Family durability
Intrafamilial system of support and structure that may extend beyond the walls of the household
Defined by biologically, legally, or as social network with personally constructed ties and ideologies
Belief that ones own ideas, beliefs, and practices are the best, are superior, or are most preferred to those of others
Natural illness
Caused by dangerous agents
Unnatural illness
Punishments for failing to follow god’s rules, resulting in evil forces or witchcraft causing physical or mental health problems
Closed rigid syndrome
Loose/diffuse boundaries
Healthy semi-permanent boundaries
Closed/rigid syndrome
Roles and roles are maintained under all conditions
Can become isolated cutting them off from each other and the community
Loose/diffuse boundaries
No clear definable boundaries
Family over involvement in the lives in its members
Increases dependence on one another
Violation of boundaries child being used as spouse
Healthy/semi permanent boundaries
Allows for personal and meaningful relationships with others
Dr. Madeleine M. Leininger
Theory of cultural care diversity and universality: provides the foundation for providing culturally competent care for patients of all ages as well as to families, groups, and communities