2- Spirituality (ch 46) Flashcards
Anything that pertains to a persons relationship with non material life force or higher power
Spiritual needs
- Need for meaning and purpose
- Need for love and relatedness
- Need for forgiveness
Confident belief in something for which there is no proof or material evidence
Cultural or institutional religion or relationship with a higher power. (Class)
Person who denies the existence of a higher power
One who holds that nothing can be known about he existence of a higher power.
An organized system of beliefs about a higher power characterized by set forms of worship, spiritual practices, and codes of conduct.
Specific system of practice associated with a denomination, sect, or form of relationship. (Class)
Spiritual health
Or well being: is the condition that exists when the universal spiritual needs for meaning and purpose, love and belonging, and forgiveness are met
Spiritual healing
Movement toward integration from brokenness to wholeness
Life-affirming influences
Enhance life, give meaning and purpose to existence, strengthen ones feelings of self worth, encourage self actualization and are health giving and life sustaining.
Life denying influences
Restrict or enclose life patterns , limit experiences and associations, place burdens of guilt on individuals, encourage feelings of unworthiness, and are generally health denying and life inhibiting
Positive outlook
Gives an individual a motivation and the resource to achieve (class)
Factors affecting spirituality
- developmental considerations
- Family
- ethnic background
- formal religion
- life events
Guide to elicit spirituality
HOPE H-sources of hope,earning and comfort O- organized religion P- personal spirituality and practice E- effects on medical care and end of life care
Scientific knowledge base
- Mind body and spirit are interrelated
- physical and psychological well being results from beliefs and expectations
- beliefs and convictions are powerful resources for healing
Spirituality. (Class info)
Complex, unique to the individual
Spiritual well being
An inter connectedness between god and a higher power and other people
Self transcendence
A sense if authentically connecting to ones inner self
Belief that a force outside of SMS greater than the person exists beyond the material world
Religious vs spiritual care
Religious- helping patient,to maintain faithfulness to their belief system and worship practices
Spiritual- helping people ID meaning and purpose in life, look beyond the present, and maintain personal relationship with a higher being or life force
Spiritual distress
Impaired ability to experience and intergrate meaning and purpose in life through connectedness worth self, others, art, music, literature, nature and power of a higher being
Related factors to spiritual distress
Active dying, loneliness, social alienation, anxiety, pain, life change, chronic illness, death, challenged belief/value system, self alienation
Dif characteristics *fix
Connections to self
Connections to others
Connections to a higher power
Factors affecting spirituality
Acute illness -sudden unexpected - spiritual rituals often used Chronic illness -threatens a persons independence Terminal illness -uncertainty about death Near death experience -psychological phenomenon close to clinical death or recovered after declared dead