2-Asepsis and Infection Control (ch 27) Flashcards
disease state that results from the presence of pathogens
disease producing microorganisms
infection occurs as a result of cyclic process consisting of?
infectious agent reservoir portal of exit means of transmission portals of entry susceptible host
Spherical (cocci)
bacilli (rod)
spirochetes (spiral)
gram positive: thick cell wall that resist decolorization and stains violet
gram negative: chemically complex cell wall that does no decolorize
aerobic: needs oxygen to live and grow
anaerobic: live without oxygen
smallest microorganism
seen with electron microscope
antibiotics have no effect of viruses
plant like organisms ( yeast and molds) can cause infection from air, soil, water
Organism’s potential to produce a disease in a person depends on a variety of factors
- number of organisms
- virulence of organisms (ability to cause disease),
- competence of person’s immune system
- length and intimacy of the contact between person and the microorganisms
occurs with the predictability in one specific region or population.
natural habitat of the organism.
Ex: people, animals, soil (gas gangrene & tetanus), food (e-coli), water (giardia, E-coli, shigella) ,milk (listeria), inanimate objects/fomites (influenza)
Portal of Exit
point of escape for the organism from the reservoir.
Respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, breaks in the skin
non-human carriers Mosquitos, ticks, lice -that transmit organisms from one host to another by injecting salivary fluid.
the entry route into the new host often is the same as?
the exit route from the prior reservoir
Stages of infection
INCUBATION - time between invasion and symptoms. Organism growing and multiplying.
PRODROMAL- most infectious, vague symptoms, last hours to days
FULL STAGE- specific signs and symptoms, localized or systemic symptoms.
Incubation period
interval between the pathogen’s invasion of the body and the appearance of symptoms of infection. during this stage, organisms are growing and multiplying
prodromal stage
early signs and symptoms are present
person is most infectious in this stage
can last from several hours to days
convalescent period
recovery period from infection
Localized infection
redness, swelling, warmth in involved aread, pain or tenderness, and loss of function of affected part
Systemic infection
fever, increase pulse and respirations, lethargy, anorexia, tenderness and enlargement of lymph nodes
Potential for infection or the presence of an infection in a patient suggest?
Nursing diagnosis
practice of asepis
all activities to prevent infection or break the chain of infection
Medical asepis
clean technique: involves procedures and practices that reduce the number and transfer of microorganisms
Surgical asepsis
sterile technique: practices used to render and keep objects and areas free from microorganisms
two types of bacteria normally found on hands
transient and resident
occurs when the causative organism comes from microbial life harbored in the person
causative organism is acquired from other people
indicate something originating or taking place in a hospital
results from a treatment or diagnostic procedure
Inflammatory response
Protective mechanism that eliminates invading pathogens and allows tissue to repair
The cardinal signs of acute infection
Redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function
During inflammatory response, initially, in the vascular stage, small blood vessels?
Constrict in the area followed by vasodilation of arterioles and venules that supply the area
During inflammatory response, during vascular stage, histamine a are released which causes?
Increased permeability of vessels, which allows protein rich fluid to flood the area
Composed of fluid,cells, inflammatory by products
What happens in the cellular stage of the inflammatory response?
Leukocytes move to the area, neutrophils engulf the organism and consume cell debris and foreign material, exudate is released from wound
Immune response
Specific body responses to an invading foreign protein,
Antigen- antibody reaction is also called?
Humoral immunity
The extent of nursing intervention depends on?
Susceptibility of the host, virulence of the organism, patients sign and symptoms
Nursing assessment includes?
Immunization status, previous or reoccurring infections, non verbal cues, signs and symptoms of systemic infection
Factors to poor compliance with hand hygiene
Lack of access to sinks
Lack of time
Skin irritation
Ignorance about the importance of hand hygiene
Individual preferences and habits
Insufficient institutional commitment to appropriate hand hygiene procedures
Cardinal signs of acute infections
(Usually appear at the site of injury or inflammation) Redness Heat Swelling Pain Loss of function