CUE - LSQ Flashcards
What is the current global population?
8 billion
What is the term used for a change over time?
What is the term used for a change over an area?
What term is used for the increase in proportion/% of people living in towns and cities?
What term is used when towns and cities merge?
What two key factors drive urbanisation?
- rural to urban migration
- natural population increase
Which two continents are seeing the fastest rates of growth in their towns and cities?
Asia and Africa
What term is used for a city for over 20 million inhabitant?
Meta city
What factors lead to higher birth rates in many urban areas? (Lots of options)
- incr younger population have more children > high fertility levels
- better services e.g. healthcare so more survive
- more people wealthy enough to have children
What term is used when something does not fit a particular pattern?
What do the countries Gabon, Reunion and Western Sahara have in common?
They are the 3 countries with the highest rates of urbanisation in Africa
What continent are Gabon, Reunion and Western Sahara all from?
What is a single large city called?
Primate city
What term is used for the physical spreading of an urban area?
Urban sprawl
What is the method called when ‘potential slums target areas’ are marked into individual lots and basic utilities are installed before any resisters appear?
Site and service
What does NGO stand for?
Non-governmental organisation
What does SDI stand for?
Slum Dwellers International
What term is used to describe employment that is unregulated?
The informal sector
What term is used for the expansion of urban areas due to the building if mainly new houses at the edge of the area?
What term is used for the long-term decline of industry leading to significant social and economic changes?
What term is used the process of redistributing people, functions and power away from the centre of an urban area to the periphery?
Which country was the first in the world to experience the process of suburbanisation?
What period was the fastest for house building in the UK?
1950s-1960s interwar
Name the two most frequent used house types in the suburbanised zone of an urban area?
Semi-detached and detached
What year was the Ribbon Development Act introduced?
What planning tool is used to prevent urban sprawl?
Green Belt sites
How many purposes are there for the green belt tool?
Name the processes that cause the movement of people from larger urban settlements into smaller urban settlements and rural areas? (2)
- counter urbanisation
- decentralisation
How many distinct trends are there for counter urbanisation and decentralisation?
Name the 2 distinct groups most likely to move due to counter urbanisation and decentralisation?
- young people with families
- older people
Name the process: The investment of capital and ideas into rundown city areas to revitalise and renew its economic, social, and/or environment condition?
Name the process: The movement of people back into urban areas - generally the inner city but can include the CBD. It refers to both the economic and structural aspect of the city
The term use for the increased use of machinery
What sector of the employment structure would leisure and transport be included in
What does UDC stand for?
Urban Development Corporation?
What decade were UDC’s introduced?
What was the first and largest of the UDC’s?
LDDC, docklands
What two types of investment were made for UDC’s?
- public
- private
What type of investment attracted the larger sector of money for UDC’s?
What type of scheme was a UDC?
Property led regeneration
What term is used for when there is involvement of the local authority and local people from the start?
In what decade was City Challenge Introduced?
What is the name of our City Challange case study?
Manchester, City Hulme
What term is used for a city with at least 1 million residents?
Millionaire city
What is the term used for a city with at least 10 million residents?
Mega city
What is the term used fora city with at least 20 million residents?
Meta city
Name the 4 types of mega cities
- Immature
- Maturing
- Established
- Consolidating
Name the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result of massively increased trade and cultural exchange?
Name the term that refers to the extent by which a geographical area, an economy or society is becoming information-based?
The term used for the information carried and spread by technology e.g. the internet
The term used for the information transferred based on discussion and face to face contact
The term used for a city with a ‘global’ influence
World city
Term used when referring to the spatial structure and organisation of an area
Urban morphology
The number of urban zones in an urban model + name them in the correct order
- Inner city
- Inner suburbs
- Outer suburbs
What does PLVI stand for?
Peak land value intersection
What term is used for decreasing land value from the CBD?
Distance decay
What do science parks usually have links with?
What term is used for slightly a different approach to regenerating urban areas that focuses upon culture and heritage?
Cultural and Heritage Quarters
What term is used for the self-contained settlements which have emerged beyond the original city boundary and have developed as cities in their own right - characterised by mixed office, residential + less ire space?
Edge cities
What term is used for landscapes designed around security, protection, surveillance and exclusion?
Fortress landscapes
Name our case study for gentrification
Notting Hill
Name the term for the difference between levels of living standards, income, etc across the whole ecnomic distribution
Economic inequality
Name the term for when groups of people live apart from the larger population due to factors such as wealth, ethnicity, religion and age
Social segregation
Name the term for economic and social problems faced by reindents in areas of multiple deprivation
Urban social exclusion
Name the term for the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society
Cultural diversity
Name the term for a group of people with a similar heritage or homeland who have settled elsewhere in the world
What does IMD stand for?
Index of multiple deprivation
How many domains are covered by the IMD?
How many different languages are spoken in London?
Name the two case study areas we looked at in Worcester linked to the IMD
- Rainbow Hill
- St Peter’s
What do the letters UHIE represent?
Urban Heat Island Effect
What term is used for human sources of heat?
What term is used for the relative reflective nature of surfaces?
What term is used to describe the high death toll which is created when fog traps pollutants to create toxic smog?
What term is used for when the pressure in the gap between two buildings causes the wind to pick up speed and reach high velocities?
Venturi effect
What number is associated with the finest particle matter?
What does AQI represent?
Air quality index
What do the letters ULEZ represent?
Ultra Low Emission Zone
Which organisation monitors UK targets linked to pollution?
How many key atmospheric pollutants do they monitor?
What term is used for surfaces that wont let liquid in?
Impermeable/ impervious
Name the term for precipitation causing discharge in the river to rise?
Rising limb
The gap between peak rainfall and peak discharge
Lag time
Units used to measure discharge + what does the unit mean
Cumecs M^3 per second
Name the type of engineering for flood plain zoning
Name the type of engineering for afforestation
Name the type of engineering for levees
What does the term SUDS mean?
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
Give one other benefit of green roofs other than managing flooding
Increased photosynthesis to combat increasing CO2 levels
What do the letters MSW represent?
Municipal Solid Waste
Does MSW include industrial, medical, agricultural or radioactive waste?
Who set the waste targets?
What do the letters WEEE represent?
Waste electrical and electronic equipment
Name the term for the process of recovering compounds/ elements that would have gone to landfill
Urban mining
Name the term for the journey of waste from source to disposal
Waste stream
What are the three R’s?
Reduce, reuse, recycle
Marine dumping - when was waste sewage sludge banned in The UK?
Marine Dumping - when was radioactive waste banned in The UK?
Name the term for the amoun of material (KG/HH/Yr) that is recycled and/or composted instead of going to landfill
Total diversion rate
What are the WHO?
World Health Organisation
Name the 4 pillars for achieving urban sustainability
- Social development
- Economic development
- Environmental development
- Urban governance