CHANGING PLACES Pt1 - The Nature and the Importance of Places Flashcards
What are the 3 aspects of a place?
- Location
- Locale
- Sense of place
What is location (definition) and what approach does it take (+ definition)?
Where a place is, exact coordinates / mapping etc
The world is a set of places and each place can be studied as distinct
What is locale (definition) and what approach does it take (+ definition)?
Unlike location, it takes into account the effect that people have on their setting i.e. a place is shaped by the people, customs and cultures within it
A place is a particular set of social processes occurring at a particular time e.g. Trafalgar Square, built to commemorate a naval victory, could be understood as a place of empire or colonialism
What is sense of place (definition) and what approach does it take (+ definition)?
Refers to the subjective and emotional attachment people have to a place, could be different based on perspective
Interested in how an individual person experiences a place, understanding personal attachments is critical to understand the place
What is the definition of space?
A place with no meaning
What is the definition of placelessness?
The idea that a particular landscape could be anywhere because it lacks uniqueness
What is the definition of place?
The way a location is perceived depending on location, locale, and emotional attachment
What are some factors affecting attachment?
- gender
- ethnicity
- religion
- age
- interests
- family and friends
- eduction
- moral code
- family history
- past experiences
What is the correlation between intensity of experience and attachment to a place?
Positive correlation
What were attached to can…
Form part of our identity
What are the 3 scales of place and identity (physical)?
- Localism
- Regionalism
- Nationalism
What is the definition of place attachment?
The emotional bond between a person and place, and is a main concept in environmental psychology
What are the 3 aspects of place attachment as suggested in the Tripartite Model of Place Attachment?
- Person
- Place
- Process
Describe the aspect of person when linking to place attachment
- personal experiences, life milestones and occurrences of personal growth
- religious, historical or other cultural meanings
- community behaviours
- people experience stronger attachments to places that they can identify with or otherwise feel proud to be part of
Describe the aspect of process when linking to place attachment
- emotions associated with people-place bonding are positive
- topophilia to describe the love that people feel for particular places
- negative emotions and experiences are also capable of giving places significance, however, negative emotions are usually NOT associated with people-place bonding
- knowledge, memories, and meanings that individuals or groups have associated with places of attachment
- specific places important enough for people-place bonding to develop
- familiarity as a central cognitive element in place attachment
- why people mark themselves as “city people” or why they develop preference for certain types of homes
- proximity maintaining behaviours have been noted as common behaviours among people who have attachment of place, similar to those who have interpersonal attachments
- homesickness
- proximity maintaining behaviours to satisfy their desires to relieve it by returning home or reinventing their current environments to match the characteristics of home
- reconstruction of place (often occurs when communities are rebuilding after natural disasters or war)
- trips and even pilgrimages away from places can enhance a person-place
- feelings of nostalgia
- memories that places evoke
Describe the aspect of place when linking to place attachment
- place attachment occurs due to the social relationships that exist within the realm of a individual’s significant place
- while social aspects were stronger than physical ones, both affected the overall person-place bond
- resources can lead to the development of a place dependence
- the characteristics and symbolic representations that can individual associates with his or her perceptions of self are pivotal in the person-place bond
What is the name of the model which demonstrates the different aspects of Place attachment?
The Tripartite Model of Place Attachment
Person is one aspect of the place attachment model, describe the 2 aspects within this category?
- Cultural/group
- religion
- historic - Individual
- experience
- realisations
- milestones
Place is one aspect of the place attachment model, describe the 2 aspects within this category?
- Social
- social area
- social symbol - Physical
- natural
- built
Process is one aspect of the place attachment model, describe the 3 aspects within this category?
- Affect
- happiness
- price + love - Behaviour
- proximity maintaining
- reconstruction of place - Cognition
- memory
- knowledge
- schemas
- meaning