cranium Flashcards
what runs through the foramen ovale
maxillary branch of the trigeminal
what runs through the foramen spinosum
middle meningeal artery
where does the pituitary gland sit
sella turcica
what is the horizontally oriented fold of the dura mater that separates the occipital and temporal lobes of the cerebrum from the cerebellum
tentorium cerebelli
what nerves it in the lateral wall of the vaernous sinus
what forms CSF
choroid plexus
what removes excess CSF from the subarachnoid space
arachnoid granulations
what vein drains directly into meninges
emissary vein
what brain ventricle is located in the cerebrum
lateral ventricle
what embryologic structure do brain ventricles come from
the lumen of the embryonic neural tube
how do the lateral ventricles communicate with the 3rd ventricle
interventricular foramen
what does CSF flow through to go from the 3rd ventricle to the 4th
mesencephalic aquaduct
define astrocytes in reference to the BBB
act as gatekeepers that permit materials to pass to the neurons after leaving the capillaries
where is the blood brain barrier reduced in the CNS
choroid plexus, hypothalamus, and pineal gland
what are the 4 channels of blood to the brain
vertebral arteries and internal carotid arteries
what are the primary functions of the frontal lobe
higher intellectual functions, personality, verbal communication; voluntary motor control of skeletal muscles
what are the primary functions of the parietal lobe
sensory interpretation of textures and shapes; understanding speech and formatting words to express thought and emotions
what are the primary functions of the temporal lobe
interpretation of auditory and olfactory sensations; storage of auditory and olfactory experiences
what are the primary function sod the occipital lobe
conscious perception of visual stimuli; integration of eye-focusing movement; correlation of visual images with previous visual experiences
what is the role of the insula
interpretation of taste; memory
what are the association areas with the frontal lobe
primary motor cortex, premotor cortex, motor speech area (broca’s),
what are the association areas with the parietal lober
primarily somatosensory cortex, somatosensory association area, part of wernicke’s area, part of gnostic area
what are the association areas with the temporal lobe
primarily auditory and olfactory cortex, auditory and olfactory association areas, part of wernickes and gnostic areas
what are the association areas of the occipital lobe
primary visual cortex and visual association areas
what is the association area with the insula
primary gustatory cortex
define projection tracts
link cerebral cortex to caudal brain region
define association tracts
connect different regions of cerebral cortex within the same hemisphere
define arcuate fibers
connecting neighboring gyri within a single cerebral lobe
clusters of gray matter containing neuron cell bodies that lie within masses of white matter is/are the _____
cerebral nuclei
define caudate nucleus
C-shaped neurons within stimulate appropriate muscles to coordinate arm and leg movements associated with walking
what does the amygdaloid body do
expand region at the tail of the caudate nucleus. participates in the expression and control of moods and emotions
what forms the lentiform nucleus
putamen and globus pallidus
what does the globes do
inhibits activity of the thalamus
what does the putamen do
controls muscular movement at the subconscious level
what does the clastrum do
subconscious processing of visual info
what nucleus in hypothalamus is involved with oxytocin
paraventricular nucleus
what regulates body temperature in hypothalamus
preoptic area
what nucleus in hypothalamus is involved in parasympathetics
anterior nucleus
what nucleus in hypothalamus is involved with ADH
supraoptic nucleus
what nucleus in hypothalamus is involved in circadian rhythm
suprachiasmatic nucleus
what nucleus in hypothalamus is involved in sympathetics
dorsomedial nucleus in hypothalamus
what is, in the hypothalamus, is involved with olfaction and swallowing
mammillary gland
what does the tegmentum do
sends involuntary motor commands to the erector spinae to maintain posture
what does the sustantia nigra do
inhibitory signals to skeletal muscles
what does the tectum do
relay station for visual and auditory sensations, visual reflex center (superior colliculi), auditory reflex centers (inferior colliculi)
what is the role of the lateral corticospinal tract
voluntary limb muscles
what is the role of the rubrospinal tract
discrete movement; flexors of limbs
what is the role of the anterior corticospinal tract
voluntary axial muscles
what is the role of the reticulospinal tract
what is the role of the tectospinal tract
visual and auditory integration with movement