cranial nerves and brainstem Flashcards
in what 4 locations can an aneurysm cause a CN III palsy?
Basilar tip
Junction of SCA and PCA
Junction on PCA and PCOM
Junction of ICA and PCOM
what fibers does the dorsal nucleus of X give rise to?
Parasympathetic input to heart, lung, and digestive tract.
What fibers does the nucleus ambigus give rise to?
Motor fibers of vagus that innervate muscles of palate, phartnx and larynx
What is the role of the nucleus solitarius?
receives input about unconscious visceral sensation via CN IX and taste afferents from CN VII and IX
What fibers does the chief nucleus of V give rise to?
vibration, proprioception and light touch sensation to face.
what is the role of the mesencephalic nucleus of V?
unconscious proprioception of jaw (ie jaw jerk reflex), reflexive chewing.
What is the role of the spinal nucleus of V?
pain and temperature sensation of face, oral cavity, dorsum of head, including temporomandibular joint, supratentorial meninges and dura, and teeth.
What 7 muscles are innervated by CN V?
- medial and lateral pterygoids, 2. masseter, 3. deep temporal, 4. anterior belly of the digastric, 5. mylohyoid, 6. tensor veli palatini, and 7.tensor tympani
only muscle innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve.
path of first order neuron in Horner’s syndrome.
from posterior hypothalamus to interomediolateral part of spinal chord.
in what spinal segments do the 2nd order neurons for a horner’s syndrome arise?
what is the name of where first order neurons synapse in a horner’s syndrome?
ciliospinal center of budge
path of 2nd order neuron in horner’s syndrome
ciliospinal center of budge (C8-T2) to superior cervical ganglion (near carotid bifurcation).
Path of 3rd order neuron in horner’s syndrome
superior cervical ganglion to target organs (sudomotor fibers to sweat glands and pupillary fibers to ciliary muscles.).
with what vessel do the sympathetic sudomotor fibers travel to facial sweat glands?
WIth what nerve do sympathetic fibers to the cilliary muscle of the eye travel?
V1 through cavernous sinus
affect of cocaine in horner’s syndrome
dilates unaffected pupil, no affect on horner’s pupil (confirms horner’s syndrome).
way to localize horner’s syndrome to preganglionic (1st or 2nd order neuron) from post-ganglionic (3rd order neuron).
give hydoxyamphtamine 1%. in a pre-ganglionic lesion the affected pupil will dilate, in a post-ganglionic lesion the affected pupil will NOT dilate.
If someone has ptosis and meiosis but NOT anhidrosis, where is the lesion of the horner’s syndrome?
distal to the ICA.