CP: Chapter 13 Disorders of Childhood Flashcards
externalizing disorders
outward directed behaviours (aggressiveness, noncompliance, overactivity, impulsiveness)
internalizing disorders
inward focused experiences and behaviour (depression, social withdrawal, anxiety)
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder dsm 5
either A or B:
A: 6 or more manifestations of inattention that do not align with developmental level (mistakes, not listening, distracted, forgetting)
B: 6 or more manifestations of hyperactivity-impulsivity that do not align with developmental level (fidgeting, running, incessant talking, interrupting etc)
some of the above present before the age of 12
present in 2 or more settings (school, home etc)
what is needed for diagnosis for ppl older than 17 for adhd
only 4 signs (instead of 6) of inattention and/or 4 signs of hyperactivity-impulsivity are needed
3 specifiers of adhd
- predominantly inattentive type
- predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type
- combined type
with wat disorder does adhd often co-occur
conduct disorder (gedragsstoornis) en internalizing disorders (depression, anxiety)
adhd prevalence gender
mannen 3 : vrouwen 1
hoeveel mensen met adhd meeten deze criteria nog steeds in adulthood
15% (60% als het gaat om partial remission ADHD)
heritability adhd
dus is adhd genetisch bepaald
wat voor changes in brain bij adhd
dopamine is anders
frontal areas of brain are smaller and show less activity
what is a predictor of adhd
low birth weight
environmental toxins and adhd
food = geen bewijs voor
lead = geen bewijs voor
smoking = zelf niet een factor, maar is related to other maternal behaviour that might increase risk
conduct disorder dsm 5
repetitive and persistent behaviour that violates the basic rights of others or conventional social norms.
at least 3 in the past 12 months, at least 1 in the past 6 months:
aggression to ppl and animals
destruction of property
deceitfullness or theft
serious violation of rules
intermittent explosive disorder
recurrent and impulsive verbal or physical aggressive outbursts, out of proportion
oppositional defiant disorder
if a child does not meet the criteria for intermitted explosive disorder, but loses their temper, argues with parents, refuses to comply and deliberately does things to annoy others.
waarmee heeft conduct disorder vaak comorbidities
substance use, anxiety, depression
two different courses of conduct disorder
- life-course-persistent pattern of antisocial behaviour, starting at the age of 3 into adulthood.
- adolescent-limited, typical childhoods, high levels of antisocial behaviour in adolescence but normal in adulthood.
prevalence rate of conduct disorder=
gender conduct disorder
boys more than girls
conduct does order does not always lead to antisocial behaviour
genetic factors of conduct disorder
low MAOA activity + maltreatment = higher risk conduct disorder
differences in brain function bij conduct disorder
reduced amygdala and prefrontal cortex
+ do not fear punishment as much -> therefore dont learn the association bad behaviour - punishment
psychological differences conduct disorder
minder moral awareness en dus die punishment minder bang dus minder associaties
social selection =
choosing to associate with like-minded peers
social influence=
being around deviant peers initiates antisocial behaviour
family check up treatment
three meetings to get to know, assess and provide feedback to parents regarding their child + parenting
parent management training
parents are taught to modify their responses to children, so that prosocial rather than antisocial behaviour is constantly rewarded.
multisystemic treatment
therapy sessions in the whole community (fam, school, peer group)
depression in children clinical picture
depressed mood, inability to experience pleasure, fatigue, concentration issues, suicidal ideation
children with major depression are likely to continue to exhibit significant depressive symptoms when assessed, even 4-8 years later
prevalence depression in children
preschool minder dan 1%
school-age 2-3%
adolescence 4-6%
gender depression childhood
girls more than boys na age of 12
voor age of 12 geen verschil
a child with depressed parents is .. more likely to develop depression themselves
4 times
welke twee psychologische factoren spelen een rol bij depressie
negative attribution style
cognitive distortions
treatment voor kids depressie
prozac, cbt
separation anxiety disorder
excessive anxiety about being away from home, onset before 18, with at least 3 symptoms for 4 weeks:
recurrent and excessive distress when separated
worry that someting will happen to them
refusal or reluctance to go to school and sleep without parent
repeated physical complaints
social anxiety disorder
play only with family members or familiar peers, avoinding both old and young strangers. shy
ook ocd en ptsd in kinderen
what behaviour of parents can lead to anxiety
parental control and overprotectiveness more than parental rejection
wat is coping cat
cbt for children with anxiety (confronting fear, developing new ways to think about fears)
specific learning disorder
difficulties in learning basic academic skills (reading, mathor writing), maar niet door intellectual disability (want dan zou het allemaal poor performance zijn)
prevalence dyslexia
20%! dus een hele hoop
(boys and girls equal)
specific learning disability gender
boys more than girls
prevalence specific learning disability
dyslexia genetics
redelijk heritable, vooral bij parent met more education compared to children with parents that are low educated
dyslexia brain regions
temporal, parietal, occipital
having dyslexia may make dyscalculia worse
treatment of specific learning disorder
focus on instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in a logical, sequential and multisensory manner
intellectual developmental disorder dsm
intellectual deficit of 2 or more standard deviations in IQ below average (meestal IQ lager dan 70). onset before age 18.
bij hoeveel mensen kan de primary cause of intellectual developmental disorder vastgesteld worden
maar 25%
genetic afwijkingen bij intellectual developmental disorder
downs syndrome (extra chromosome 21)
fragile x syndrome: mutation in fMR1 gene on X chromosome
treatment of intellectual disability
residential treatment
behavioural treatment
cognitive treatment
computer assisted instructions
autism spectrum disorder dsm 5
6 or more items:
A: deficits in social communication and social interaction, all of these: nonverbal, development or reelationships or social or emotional reciprocity
B: restricted, repetitive behaviour patterns, at least 2: stereotyped speech/motor/object use, routine, restricted interests, hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input.
onset in early childhood
comorbidity of asd
intellectual disability, specific learning disorder or anxiety
prevalence of asd
1/68 children
asd gender
5 boys: 1 girl
best prognosis of asd bij…
children with high iq, who learn to speak before age of 6
heritability of autism
brain differences asd
overgrowth of brain by age 2, abnormalities in cerebellum