Consumer Studies Flashcards
Items that are bought by consumer e.g food, clothes, phones
Anyone who buys goods or uses services
An action of helping or doing work for someone e.g telephone, internet
State services
Services that are paid by taxation
What we must have to survive e.g food clothing shelter
Consumer rights
It is something to which you are entitled to
E.g right to redress, safety, choose, accurate information, quality
The extras that may make life more pleasant or comfortable e.g holidays, jewellery,
Consumer Responsibility
It is something you must do and for which you are answerable
Consumers right to choice
The consumer has a right to choose which brand of goods or which service they wish to buy
Consumer responsibilty to choice
It is their responsibility to make good informed choices before buying goods and services
Only one manufacturer or supplier provides a service and there no competition
Consumer right to quality and value for money
ConsumersOnly one manufacturer or supplier provides a service and there no competition have the right to buy an item or use service of a high standard and quality, (often the price paid for an item is in proportion to the quality)
Consumer responsibility to quality
It is their responsibility to examine products and services and compare orices before buying
Consumer right to accurate information
It is their right to see provided clear and accurate information of a good or service
Consumer responsibility to accurate information
It is their responsibility to read labels and ask for information if in doubt
Consumer right to safety
It is their right to expect that goods and services will not be harmful or endanger their lives
Consumers responsibility to safety
It is their responsibility to heed warnings and to follow instructions carefully
Consumer right to redress
They have the right to complain and be compensated if he/she buys an item or service that turns out to be faulty
Consumer responsibility to redress
It is their responsibility to know their rights and to complain if those rights are refused.
Consumer protection is necessary to ….
Protect the rights of consumers
Give consumers a way of redress if their roghts are not granted
Guard against abuse of dishonest sellers and manufacturers
The consumer is protected by
Consumer laws
Voluntary agencies
Consumer laws
Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act of 1980
Consumer Information Act 1978
Under the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980 goods should…..
Be of merchantable quality
Be fit for their purpose
Be as described
Correspond with samples
Consumers are entitled to expect that (services)
The supplier has the necessary skill to provide the service
The supplier will provide the service with proper care and diligence
Materials used will be sound
Any goods supplied for the service will be of merchantable quality
It is an extra bonus to the consumer, it is a promise made by the manufacturer that he/she will make good any faults in an item for a specific period of time after purchase
Three forms of redress
Refund, repair or replace
You are not covered in a guarantee if …….
You misuse the goods or ignored advice from the seller about how the goods should be used
If you simply change your mind about the goods
If the fault was pointed out to you before sale
Points to consider at a guarantee
You are allowed to accept a credit note instead of refund, repair or replacement
Cheque stubs and or credit statements are acceptable proofs of purchase
If you buy goods by credit card or lease, rent goods are protected by the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980
The purpose of the Consumer Information Act 1978
Protect consumers against false or misleading claims abouts goods, service or prices
It is an offence for a seller to
Make misleading claims about the price of a good
Advertise misleading price reduction
Publish an advertisement which is likely to mislead the public
Make false or misleading claims about goods or services
Statutory (government) agencies
The national consumer agency set up in 2007
Small claims court
Functions of the National Consumer Agency
To enforce the laws in relation to the sale of goods and services
To represent the consumer
To deal with complaints about false or misleading claims
To educate and inform consumers about their rights
Voluntary agencies
Trade associations
Consumers’ Association of Ireland
Methods of payment
Cash, Cheque, debit card or credit card,
Credit card
Safe and convenient
Easy to over spend
Consumers need to be informed to…
..ensure hey get value for money
Make informed decisions about goods and services
Understand consumer laws
Prepare them to take effective action if they seek redress
Sources of consumer information
Consumers Association of Ireland
Manufacturers’ leaflets and brochures
Sale staff
Complain as soon as possible
Only complain to the seller or the manager
Make your case clear
Persist and don’t be fobbed off
Let the seller know you are aware of your rights
Avoid losing your temper
Indicate how you would like to be compensated and allow reasonable time
Never play down your complaint
Complaining in person
Complain as soon as possible to the seller with proof of purchase
Ask to see the manager
Explain your complaint to the manager and ask what he/she intends to do about it
Contact head office or trade association if appropriate
Contact National Consumer Agency, CAI as a last resort
Complain on the phone
Stand up while you make your call
Ask for the consumer services manager or someoner who can deal with the complaint speak calm and clear
Ask for the name of the person to whom you were speaking to
Record date and time of call
Explain your problem and ask them what they intend to do
If you don’t hear anything back from them write a letter
Helps the consumer in complaints about against government departments and state bodies
The small claims court
Deals with claims relating to goods and services with a value below €2000 its cheap quick and no need for a solicitor
Advertising standards Authority for Ireland
Encourages advertisers to follow a code of standards that state that all ads must be honest, decent, truthful and legal
Central Copy Clearance Ireland
Reviews all alcohol adverts in the media