Complex Exam 4 - tissue integrity Flashcards
When does the emergent/resuscitative phase begin and end?
- begins with injury
- lasts 24-48 hours
What are the priorities during the emergent/resuscitative phase?
- airway
- circulation
- perfusion (fluid replacement)
- pain
- infection (wound care)
- body temperature
- emotional support
When does the acute phase begin and end?
- begins at 36-48 hours
- ends with closure of the wound
What are the priorities during the acute phase?
- cardio
- respiratory
- GI
- infection (wound care)
- pain
- psychosocial
When does the rehabilitative phase begin and end?
- begins when most of the burn area has healed
- ends when the client achieves the highest level of functioning possible (can take years)
What are the priorities for the rehabilitative phase?
- psychosocial
- scars, contractures
- resumption of activities
What can cause dry heat injuries?
- open flames
- explosions
What can cause moist heat injuries?
hot liquid or steam
When are scalding injuries more common?
- older adults
- young children
What can cause contact burns?
hot metal/tar/grease
What can cause chemical burns?
caustic agents
- cleaning: drain/oven cleaner, bleach
- industrial: soda sulfuric acid
What can electrical burns cause?
- loss of organ function
- tissue destruction
- possible amputation
- cardiac/respiratory arrest
What can cause thermal burns?
ignition of clothes from heat/flames produced by electrical sparks
What causes flash (arc) burns?
electrical currents traveling through the air
What causes conductive electrical injuries?
touching electrical wiring/equipment
What causes radiation burns?
- cancer treatment
- sunburn
What should be removed from the body after a burn occurs?
clothing/jewelry that might conduct heat
What can be used on burns to help with the pain? What should not be used?
- YES: cool water soak, cool water
- NO: ice
How can contamination and hypothermia be prevented?
covering the burn wit a clean cloth
How should burns be cleaned?
with mild soap and tepid water (no friction)
What type of ointment should be used?
What type of dressing should be used to cover the burn if clothing is irritating?
non-adherent hydrocolloid dressing
What immunization might be needed after being burned?
What happens during the initial/resuscitation phase?
- increased HR, BP, BG
- decreased GI motility
What cardio should be monitored with moderate/major burns?
- edema
- pulses
- cap refill
- pulse ox/O2 sat
- BP
What respiratory should be monitored with moderate/major burns?
- RR, depth
- upper airway edema
- crowing, stridor, dyspnea
- trach
- chest tube
When might upper airway edema occur?
8-12 hours after starting fluid resuscitation
When would intubation be needed?
crowing, stridor, and dyspnea
When would ventilation be needed?
inhalation injury
What should be done every hour?
- incentive spirometer
- suctioning
What should be done for airway injury?
- supplemental O2
- coughing
- deep breathing
- elevate HOB
What should be done for F&E imbalances (hypovolemic shock)?
- daily weight
- I&O’s
- labs
- IV replacement
What should be assessed when monitoring for a wound infection?
- discoloration
- edema
- odor
- drainage
- fluctuating temp and HR
What should be done for a suspected wound infection?
- culture
- antibiotics
- labs