COMM 3172 - FINAL Flashcards
The major advantages of laboratory experiments include all of the following except:
Which of the following is NOT a good reason for developing pictorial models of communication
to increase complexity
In order to convincingly show causation, a research must establish all of the following EXCEPT
clear explanation of mediating variables
Which of the following research methods always includes a longitudinal component
panel studies
Which of the following is one of the three major types of pictorial models of the communication process included in the text
social scientists studying mass media effects are primarily interested in ______-
all three are important research interests
Which of the following is the most accurate definition of communication
all of the them
which of the following types of communication is LEAST likely to involve mutual interactions
mass communication
Of the three criteria for causation listed in the text, which of the following is difficult to establish through survey research
which of the following is NOT an important reason for studying media effects
the heart of the Social Cognitive Theory is _____ and it explains that humans can learn by watching.
vicarious capacity
When what we learn from the media lifts previously accepted personal contraints and restraints on an individual and motivates him or her to behave in similar manners shown in the media, the media is having a ______ effect.
Joe learned from the evening news that there was a big earthquake in Haiti. Even though Joe previously had been totally against the idea of online donation, he donated some money online to help the rescue efforts. What can we call this effect of the media?
Which of the following is NOT one of the four self-reflective modes of thought verification
Educational programming is most beneficial to children when parents:
view the programs with their children, and actively reinforce the concepts
Which one of these is NOT one of the cognitive qualities humans have
cultural capacity
If we watch the film called “Miss Congeniality” and learn the rules of self-defence shown in the film but never actually put into practice in real life what we learned from the film scholars of Social Cognitive theory would say _______
we retained the information but did not model the behavior
John watch a Barney show and learned a song. After that day, John frequently performed the song he learned from TV to his parents when he wanted attention from them. According to Social Cognitive theory, John is at the ______ stage of modeling.
Which researcher and author is most closely associated with social learning theory
albert bandura
According to Social Cognitive theory, “vicarious capacity” allows us to learn by ______
watching others
Priming is based upon which theoretical concept
cognitive neoassociation
which of the following is not one of the variables that impact the strength of the priming effect
the perceived ease with which one could replicate the behavior
Priming effects are more likely to occur when the audience believes that
the act was justifiable
if the audience can identify with a character in a TV show, then the priming is more likely to be ____-
Priming effects are most likely to occur when audience members believe ______
that the character is a good role model
in the storage bin model, which concepts are considered the strongest in one’s memory?
Recently primed
Priming effects are more likely to occur when audience members
believe they are seeing actual events
when priming occurs, mediated messages evoke which type of thoughts in audience members
semantically similar
the explanatory models of priming address which of the following issues
recency versus frequency
which of the following is NOT one of the theoretical models used to explain priming effects
recycling bin model
recent television programming has typically depicted single parents as:q
According to Hawkins and Pingree, what are the two steps involved in the cultivation process
learning and construct
the Cultural Indicators Project produced this instrument as a measure of perceptions of the level of aggression and violence in society
Mean World Index
When used by cultivation scholars, this term refers to a situation in which events in the real world offer support to the view of the world offered by television
What does “mainstreaming” refer to in cultivation theory
when the media present uniform messages that promote dominant patterns in society
Scholars within the field of the cultivation analysis are most likely to describe television in America has
the great storyteller
Which of the following is NOT one of the three components of the Cultural Indicators Project
consumer interaction analysis
Which of the followin gis NOT one of the main assumptions of Cultivation Hypothesis
viewing of television is selective
the intention of cultivation analysis is to identify and explain