ANTH 1000 - Ch. 27 Flashcards
Public policy for managing cultural diversity in a multi-ethnic society, officially stressing mutual respect and tolerance for cultural differences within a country’s borders
structural power
power that organizes and orchestrates the systemic interaction within and among societies, directing economic and political forces on the one hand and ideological forces that shape public ideas, values, and beliefs on the other
hard power
coercive power that is backed up by economic and military force
soft power
Cooptive power that presses others through attraction and persuasion to change their ideas, beliefs, values, and behaviors
structural violence
Physical and/or psychological harm (including repression, environmental destruction, poverty, hunger, illness, and premature death) caused by impersonal, exploitative, and unjust social, political, and economic systems
replacement reproduction
the point at which birthrates and death rates are in equilibrium; people producing only enough offspring to replace themselves when they die
internal migration
Movement within the boundaries of a country
external migration
movement from one country to another. It may be voluntary or involuntary