Co-Occurring Disorders Flashcards
When are substance use diagnoses made?
When the use of substance interferes with normal functioning at work, school, relationships or exacerbates medical conditions
Psychoanalytic theory
Sigmund Freud
Focused on conflicts, motivations and unacceptable desires in the unconscious mind and how they affect a person.
Repression is…
A defense mechanism where a person suppresses thoughts or memories that are too difficult to handle. They are pushed out of the conscious mind and person may experience memory loss related to those memories
Displacement is…
A defense mechanism where a person places there feelings for another onto someone they deem less threatening
A defense mechanism where a socially unacceptable thought is transformed into healthy, acceptable behavior in another direction
Rationalization is…
A defense mechanism where unacceptable thoughts are rationally and logically explained and defended
Reaction formation is…
A defense mechanism where negative feelings are covered up by a false or exaggerated version of its opposite. I.e. showing an overwhelming amount of affection towards someone you secretly hate
A defense mechanism where a person refuses to accept painful facts or situations and acts as though they didn’t happen
Projection is…
A defense mechanism where someone tries to act as if another person is feeling the way they are
Moral Model
Earliest theory of addiction
Implies that a person who uses is morally weak
Learning theory
Based on concepts of positive reinforcement
Intoxicant serves as an immediate reinforcement in the form of increased relaxation or euphoria
Addiction theories
Disease model
Moral model
Biopsychosocial model
Learning theory
Genetic theory
Role theory
People’s behaviors are motivated by the roles they are given within society
Feminist theory
Study of relations between sexes, especially in the context of inequality
Feminists theorists
Anna Freud- contributed to psychoanalysis
Jean Baker Miller- relational-cultural theory: focuses on how culture affects relationships and how healthy connections with others are an integral part of psychological and personal growth
Carol Tarvis- called for evidence-based research in psychology/focused on cognitive dissonance/social beliefs about women’s limitations are not backed by science
Nancy Chodorow- how the family influences female roles in society (i.e. mothering, gender systems, etc)
Harriet Lerner- gender roles in marriage, balancing self care with competing priorities
Carol Gillian- Lawrence Kohlberg’s assistant, focused on development of morals and ethics in women
Gail Sheehy- focused on different periods of life that women pass through in her book, Passages (1976)
Luhmann’s theory
Looks at communication between people instead of the people themselves
Autopoiesis- social systems are self-creating
Shannon and Weaver model of communication
Conceptualizes the activity between the sender and recipient of communication
Berlo model
Communication needs something to travel through
Conflict theories
Focus on power struggles within human interactions, investigates the differences in ideologies, acquisition or resources, culture, etc that perpetuates the power struggle
Karl Marx- sees conflict between socio-economic classes as the driver of history
Ludwig Gumplowicz- focused on conflict between different cultures
C. Wright Mills- focused on class structures and political parties
Types of discrimination
Direct- unfair treatment based on someone’s characteristics
Indirect- rules apply to everyone but negative impacts certain groups
Systemic/institutionalized- taking place within a society or other institution’s laws, policies or practices (religious, education) that perpetuates stereotypes
Gender indentity
Persons identity in relation to male or female/femininity and masculinity
Sexual orientation
Refers to sexual attraction for others
Sexual preference refers to specific types of sexual stimulation