Clinical Embryology Flashcards
How common are accessory renal arteries
Common in about 25% of people
What negative can happen with accessory renal arteries to inferior pole of kidney
may pass anterior to ureter and obstruct it
cause urine retention and subsequent distension of the pelvis and calyces (hydronephrosis)
What is Unilateral renal agenesis and how frequent is it
Lack of one kidney
once in every 1000
What is Bialteral renal agenisis and how frequent is it and what can be associated with it
lack of both kidneys
once in every 3000
assoc w/ oligohydramnios (decreased amniotic fluid) because little or no urine is contributed to amniotic fluid
(usually die shortly after birth)
What are Ectopic kidneys, what is common with it
kidneys located in an abnormal position
often found in pellvis
What could cause the ascent of kidneys to get stopped at the inferior mesenteric artery and what is it called/its symptoms
fusion of the inferior poles of the kidneys
u shaped organ called horseshoe kidney
is asymptomatic
What is the most common anomaly of the penis and its characteristics
Hypospadius (1 in 300)
opening of the external urethral orifice ventrally on the penis
Where can abnormal openings of the external urethral oriffice occur with hypospadius
ventral surface of glans, penile shaft, junction of penis and scrotum, or at perinium
What is seen wth perineal hypospadias
failure of labioscrotal folds to fuse resulting in ambiguous genitalia
What is the cause of hypospadias
inadequate production of androgens or mutated androgen receptors on the urogenital folds
Envir and genetic factors could be involved
What is epispadias and what is it associated with
urethra opening on dorsal surface of the penis
exstrophy (eversion of the urinary bladder)
What is Intersexuality
disorders in which there is a discrepancy betwen morphology of the gonads and appearance of external genitals
What are true gonadal intersex individuals
have both ovarian and testicular tissue
what are 46 XX intersex people considered and what do they have
female pseudohermaphrodites
have ovaries but male genitals
What is the most common cause of 46 XX intersex
congenital adrenal hyperlasia
What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia
fetal suprarenal (adrenal) glands produce excessive androgens that cause virilization of external genetalia
(clitoral hypertrophy partial fusion of labia majora etc)
What are 46 XY intersex people considered and wwhat do they have
male pseudohermaphrodites
have testes but exhibit female or ambiguous genitals
What is the common cause of 46XY intersex
inadequate production of fetal testosterone and MIS which results in diminutive male genitalia
What is androgen insensitivity syndrome also called and what does it present as
testicular feminization syndrome
has testes and 46 XY but appears as female
What is the cause/mechanism behind androgen insensitivity syndrome
defect in androgen receptors leading to an inappropriate response to androgen exposure
What is Cryptochidism and how frequent is it
3-4% full term males
testes remain in abdominal cavity
What results from Cryptochidism
usually tests fail to mature leading to sterility
also may lead to testicular cancer
What can cause an ectopic testes and where are the most likely locations (4)
gubernaculum pulls to wrong location
usually dorsal to penis
proximal medial thigh
opposite side
or interstitial (external to aponeruosis of external abdominal oblique)
What can an opening in the processes vaginalis result in
allowing peritoneal fluids to accumulate and form a hydrocele of the testes or spermatic cord
What can occur with a patent processus vaginalis
site of indirect inguinal hernia
Primordial germ cells are first recognizable early in the fourth week in the: Dorsal mesentery Primary sex cords Wall of the umbilical vesicle Gonadal ridges Wall of the allantois
wall of the umbilical vesicle
early in 4th week is before umbilical vesicle is incorporated into embryo
late 4th they migrate along dorsal mesentery of hindgut
The paramesonephric ducts in female embryos give rise to the: Vestibule of the vagina uterine tubes inferior part of vagina round ligament of the uterus ovarian ligament
Uterine tubes
vestibule and inferior poriton of vagina from urogenital sinus
round and ovarian ligaments from gubernaculum