Client relations 1, 2 and DL Flashcards
Why do UK vet practices fail?
- leadership and vision
- team engagement
- focused marketing and client care
- internal communication systems
- accounting, financial and systems knowledge
- focus on professional fees vs. drug sales
- ability to change appropriately for services
- relying on pharmaceuticals as the sole source of profit
What is innvoation?
- thinking creatively
- doing things differently
- novel or new combinations
- exploiting new ideas
- coming up with new ways of doing things
What is the triad of competing values?
- pet
- vet
- relationship with client
What are the 4 parts of teh client development matrix?
- vendor
- trusted partner
- expert for hire
- trusted advisor
What are aspects of client decision making (for vets)?
What are client expectations of vets’ communications?
- educating clients
- providing choices
- using two-way communication
- limit breakdown in communication
What frustrations may vets experience with clients? 4
- monetary concerns
- client misinformation
- indecisiveness when there is involvement of more than one client in decision making
- time limitations
Define compliance
- a client’s adherence to a recommended treatment plan
- creating clients’ genuine commitment to following-through on recommendations which results in greater levels of pet supervision
- higher compliance = successful business
- Compliance = recommendation + acceptance + follow through
Benefits - concordance
- happier clients with fewer complaints
- healthier patients
Challenges - concordance
- fitting compliance into short consult
- varying consultation skills of vets
- varying skill and commitment of client
Key aspects of communication skills
- active listening
- open questioning
- checking understanding
- dealing with emotion
- shared decision making
How can you be a better listener?
- stop talking
- put speaker at ease
- aim to understand what speaker is saying
- be aware of your personal prejudices
- be alert to what the speaker is not saying
- ask questions
Features of active listening
- VERBAL: positive reinforcement, remembering, questioning, reflection, clarification, summarise
- NON-VERBAL: smile, eye contact, posture, mirroring (don’t appear false), limited distraction
How can you ask questions?
- need structure
- use silence
- encourage participation
- open questioning (leading, recall vs. process, rhetorical, funneling questions)
List some methods of checking understanding
- ask a client to demonstrate a skill/ technique and then ask them how they thought they performed
- ask client to repeat or write down the instructions in their own words
- listen for inaccuracies in discussions and respond accordingly (e.g. are drugs administered 2 or 3 times a day)
- ask clients to report on progress
What is shared-decision making?
the process of information exchange b/w client and vet for purpose of obtaining agreement about healthcare decisions for the animal.
- Make sure your recommendations are practicable and achievable
How can you deal with emotional clients?
- social skills
- empathy
- motivation (to not be defeated)
What are important aspects of shared decision making?
- elicit information (determine client’s knowledge)
- educate client
- consider the client (skills, disabilities, phobias, time constraints, income and access to pet insurance, desire for information
- over-arching question (is this tx plan achievable for you?)