CLASS: Sep 24, 2018: Mystery Score Review, Renaissance Flashcards
Anticipations of the Renaissance in the Fourteenth Century:
Individual composers and individual styles
Distinct styles. Codex. Mauchet was a transition figure from 14th to 15th century. His letter was about taking ownership, not just ______ liturgy.
Anticipations of the Renaissance in the Fourteenth Century:
Individual composers and individual styles
Distinct styles. Codex. Mauchet was a transition figure from 14th to 15th century. His letter was about taking ownership, not just decorating liturgy.
Anticipations of the Renaissance in the Fourteenth Century:
National styles. Mauchet was focused on FIXED FORM. Mauchet: Messe de Nostre Dame. It was a _____ (5 movements), before then everyone was decoring Proper.
Anticipations of the Renaissance in the Fourteenth Century:
National styles. Mauchet was focused on FIXED FORM. Mauchet: Messe de Nostre Dame. It was a Mass Ordinary Cycle (5 movements), before then everyone was decoring Proper.
Anticipations of the Renaissance in the Fourteenth Century:
What did Mauchet do in the first two movements of the Mass Ordinary Cycle?
Isorhythm in the Kyrie
Mass Paraphrase in the Gloria (takes original tune of Gloria and puts it into the Tenor and countertenor lines)
He’s interested in form
Anticipations of the Renaissance in the Fourteenth Century:
Italian Genres like Madrigal from Landini, focused on Melody, carries forth into Renaissance. Italians still interested in ____.
French still interested in ____.
Anticipations of the Renaissance in the Fourteenth Century:
Italian Genres like Madrigal from Landini, focused on Melody, carries forth into Renaissance. Italians still interested in Form.
French still interested in Melody.
Anticipations of the Renaissance in the Fourteenth Century:
You ears should tell you that you are no longer listening to music of the Middle Ages. Composers starting thinking about music that sounds good versus Pythagorean consonances. Harmonic ____ and ____.
Anticipations of the Renaissance in the Fourteenth Century:
You ears should tell you that you are no longer listening to music of the Middle Ages. Composers starting thinking about music that sounds good versus Pythagorean consonances. Harmonic thirds and sixths.
Key associations with the Renaissance:
focus of humans
What was significant about him and Divine Comedy?
Shifted the focus away from what God was doing for man and instead on what the person is doing.
It was in the vernacular: Italian (Many people could read it, not just those who can read Latin)
Divinci is focused on drawing the human body
Divinci is focused on drawing _____
- Textures of _____ VOICES
- Textures of EQUAL VOICES
“Sweet” sounding ___ and ___
“Sweet” sounding 3rds and 6ths
Imitative _______
Imitative Counterpoint
Most familiar with this in JS Bach. King of Counterpoint. But this starts in the Renaissance.
Treatment of text:
CLEAR text ______
Treatment of text:
CLEAR text declamation
Middle Ages: Motets with multiple voices at same time with different texts in different languages, the AUDIENCE doesn’t know what’s going on.
In the Renaissance, composers are interested in the audience knowing what is being said.