CLASS: Oct 31, 2018--COMPLETE Flashcards
How can we describe the baroque period, generally and musically?
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What are the key baroque “buzz words”?
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Learning Objectives: BTEOTCYWBAT…
Define the first/second practice and explain their relationship to baroques aesthetics.
Learning Objectives: BTEOTCYWBAT…
Define monody
The “Second Practice”
• What does Artusi think about dissonance and consonance and composers that use dissonance? (p. 145)
Artusi uses strong language. “Nothing but smoke in their heads.” He didn’t like it. Artusi took it as a personal insult. Like he is the guardian of proper counterpoint. Didn’t like change. “Kids these days are always doing newfangled things. Stick with tradition!” Contrast to Schoenberg who said in the 20th century that there is no such thing as a consonant and dissonant. There is only tones.
*Conversation happen years apart from each other. Artusi publishes it in 1600. Monteverdi publishes the MAdrigal that Artusi points all the problems out (from the manuscript) years later 1605. “I don’t care if you think its a bad idea, I’m going to publish it anyway.” Took them a long time to respond to each other.
The “Second Practice”
• How does Monteverdi (via his brother Giulio) respond?
“What does Artusi think about dissonance and consonance and composers that use dissonance? (p. 145)”
He defends himself. He said that he did it with intention. Not just breaking the rules. To make the TEXT more important.
RENAISSANCE- MUSIC is most important and rules the text. The text served the music.
17th CENTURY MADRIGALS- TEXT is most important. The music can do anything as long as it serves the text.
The “Second Practice”
• Define the “first practice” and the “second practice”.
Prima Pratica
The MUSIC rules the TEXT and dictates what the TEXT can do
Secunda Pratica
The TEXT rules the MUSIC and dictates what the MUSIC can do
Monteverdi doesn’t say “Down with the old style!”, he says its valid, you just have to consider it the first style, Prima Practica. As long as you follow the rules of each style. What I’m doing is rooted in the generations before me, I am just carrying on what they did before me.

Composers of the first style
- Josquin
- Ockeghem
- See Reading for other names
Composers of the second style
- Monteverdi
- Rore
- Marenzio
- Gesualdo
- Madrigal Composers
Monteverdi’s Musical Taxonomy
What does it show?
How he was thinking about composing and organizing music
Praetorius Encycopedium
How does Monteverdi categorize music?
From Vespers (1610)
Affect (mood to inspire in the listener)
- Stir the listener in a certain way
- RELAXED AFFECT: That moves the listener to be relaxed
- MODERATE AFFECT: If the listener is calm, will help excite you
- Affect is huge in the Baroque period. Music is not supposed to just sound pleasing, it is supposed to move your heart mind and soul in particular ways.
- Stir the listener in a certain way
Function or venue
- Church
- Chamber music (not smaller ensemble, but music played at COURT. Dinner music, entertaining during meals.
- Theater (To entertain the theater)
- Dance (after court while everyone is dancing)
Monteverdi doesn’t tell us how these two interact with each other. (i.e. “In church you should always have music of a relaxed affect… etc)
- The things pointed out won’t seem like a big deal to us
- Little madrigalisms … same thing here
- Artusi attacks this before this appears in print. Published in 1605 but it was in circulation in manuscript in 1590s.
- Pastoral Text
- TOPIC- Landscapes, rural lifestyle, shepherds, animals and nature
- First four lines talk about how beautiful she is. Last four about how cunning and witty, snakelike she is.




There is a large focus on the ____. It rules the music in this repertoire.
People talk about it as a TEXTURE and as a GENRE
Defined as: _____
People talk about it as a TEXTURE and as a GENRE
Defined as: a SOLO VOICE accompanied by a BASSO CONTINUO
*If you are playing a sonata and are playing one solo line accompanied by a piano, that is monody as a texture. Solo + Accompaniment.
New texture in the Baroque period.

Basso continuo can be one player or _______.
Basso continuo can be one player or multiple players.

Mimicking real life
Monody relates to mimesis
The TEXT is of the perspective of one person.
There are 5 singers. It’s more realistic to be sung by one person.
Monteverdi does set to a single voice
Le nuove musiche “the new music”
Baroque Basics
- Book of arias (strophic) and madrigals (through-composed)
- Italian pieces, all pieces of monod (solo + basso continuo) All monody, All Italian. “It’s a book of monody” (using Monody as a GENRE). “It’s a Monodic Madrigal” (using Monody as a TEXTURE)
- Earliest printed figured bass/ continuo part
- Lengthy preface on performance practice (How to perform the piece)
- Systematic survey of embellishment techniques
- Focus on decoration of Baroque Period. Caccini tries to control what the singers are doing.
- Describes how music should move the affects (not just be entertaining, but move your soul)
- Systematic survey of embellishment techniques
- Cites the use of rhetorical gestures
- All composers up to this point would have been well versed in rhetoric. Caccini talks about applying rhetorical strategies and gestures to music. (repeating small texts)
- Mentions mimetic music (sighs, weeping)
- Wordless expressions you make
Giulio Caccini (1550-1618)
Wrote: Le nuove musiche “the new music”
Scientists are pushing the limits and thinking of new things. We see it in Caccini’s print for musicians. Composers were racing to be the first to publish Monody. Caccini won. He was the first printed monody, but he was one among many in a fierce competition..
Giulio Caccini, Vedrò ‘l mio sol

- Solo Madrigal (Monodic texture)
- Connected to Le nuove musiche
- Figured bass/basso continuo
- (could be performed by one or more instruments)
- Just because you see one bass line doesn’t mean it’s just a cello.
- Vocal Line:
- Caccini writes out simple melody in the beginning
- many opportunities for emotional expression and virtuosic fireworks