Class 11 - Early Adulthood: Cognitive Development Flashcards
What are the 3 types of intelligence?
- practical
- Crystallized
- Fluid
What is practical intelligence? (5)
- Street smarts
- Not acquired through reading
- considers people and circumstances insightfully
- based on previous experiecnes
- able to understand and handle new situations
What is crystallized inteligence? (2)
- depends heavily on education and experience
- ex. vocabulary, ability to read, technical skills for your job
Basically how much you learn, understand and apply
What is fluid intelligence? (2)
- Involves more basic abilities that depend on the efficient functioning of the CNS
- Ex. abstract reasoning, ability to solve problems and reason about things independent of previously existing knowledge
basically how your basic memory can apply to the problem you are facing
What type of intelligence do adults have?
Adults maintain crystallized intelligence throughout early and middle adulthood, but fluid intelligence declines fairly steadily over adulthood, starting at perhaps age 35 or 40
What is emotional intelligence? (3)
- capacity to recognize your own emotions and others
- distinguish between different feelings and label them appropriately
- use emotional information to guide thinking and behaviour and adjust emotions to adapt to environments
Emotional Intelligence chart
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences Chart
What is the correlation between emotional intelligence and risky behaviour in early adulthood? (2)
Young adults with high EI scores have been shown to have an increased ability to cope with life stressors & stronger relationships
* High EI is linked with lower rates of alcohol abuse (risky behavior)
In terms of drinking, what has that have to do with risky behaviour? (2)
The percentage of heavy drinkers rises sharply between the ages of 18-24
- College students who were binge drinkers have an increased risk of coma/death and other negative consequences such as drunk driving and unprotected sex
What are some employment realities that young adults face? (5)
- Decreased employment opportunities
- Diminished job security
- Fast-paced technology
- Constant “up skilling”
- Life-long learning
Why is EI important for employment purposes? (3)
- Increased ability to be aware of emotions leads to increased ability to use emotions to achieve goals, set clear and measurable goals, and present and communicate their positive attributes with ease with others
- Ability to engage in continuous creative learning
- Able to apply basic skills to seek new information, learning new skills to achieve goals
What are role transitions? (3)
- not an event but rather a process
- Involves the passage of time
- Changes in fundamental patterns
What do role transitions require?
Requires adaptation, adjustment and learning on the part of the individual (system, organization, family etc)
What are role transitions affected by? (7)
- Wellbeing (physical and emotional)
- planning
- knowledge
- skill
- experience
- attributes
- relationships and resources and one’s ability to access them
What is a psychological effect of role transitions? (3)
dramatic decrease in reckless behaviours
- increase in self control
- physical, strength, coordination, dexterity, and sensory function all peak
What are some examples of role transition? (5)
- Completing education - graduating
- beginning fulltime employment
- Living independently
- Marriage
- Parenthood
What does a successful transition look like? (3)
- subjective well-being
- Physical and mental - Role mastery
- Well-being of relationships