Chp. 14 - Therapy Flashcards
Treatment involves using psychological
techniques. Consists of interactions between a trained
therapist and someone seeking to overcome
psychological difficulties or achieve
personal growth.
Biomedical Therapy
Treatment involves prescribing medications
or procedures that act directly on the
personʼs physiology.
Freud’s Therapeutic Technique
Aims to bring patientsʼ repressed feelings into
conscious awareness. Helps patients gain insight into the origins of
their disorders.
Techniques of Psychoanalysis
Unearths the past in hopes of loosening its
bonds on the present. Uses free association, in which clients are
asked to share their thoughts.
The blocking from consciousness of
anxiety-laden material.
The client begins to view the therapist as a
someone from their own past and
begins to treat/act differently
towards them.
The analystʼs noting supposed dream
meanings, resistances, and other
significant behaviors and events so
as to promote insight.
Humanistic Therapies
Emphasize peopleʼs innate potential for self-fulfillment. Help them grow in self-awareness and self-acceptance.
Insight Therapies
Humanistic and psychodynamic therapies are referred to as insight
Insight Therapy
Therapies that aim to improve psychological
functioning by increasing a person’s awareness of underlying
motives and defenses.
Check your understanding by repeating the other person’s statements in your own words.
Invite Clarification
“What might be an example of that?” may encourage the person to
say more.
Reflect Feelings
“It sounds frustrating” might mirror what you sense from the
personʼs body language and emotional intensity.
Uses classical conditioning to evoke new responses to stimuli that trigger unwanted behaviors. Therapists use exposure therapies and aversive conditioning. Insight therapies assume that self-awareness and psychological well-being go hand in hand.
Exposure Therapy
Treat anxieties by exposing people
(in their imagination or in actual
situations) to the things they fear
and avoid. Systematic desensitization.
Aversive Conditioning
Association of unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior which creates an aversive response to the harmful/unwanted stimulus.
CBT – Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Integrative therapy that combines cognitive therapy with behavior
DBT- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Combines cognitive tactics (for tolerating distress and regulating emotions) with social skills training and mindfulness meditation.
Benefits of Group Therapy
Saves therapistsʼ time and clients’ money. Offers a social laboratory for exploring social behaviors and developing social skills. Enables clients to see that others share their problems. Provides feedback as clients try out new ways of behaving.
Family Therapy
The treatment emphasis is not on changing the individuals, but rather on changing their relationships and interactions.
Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
Those not undergoing therapy improve. Those undergoing therapy are more likely to improve more quickly and with less risk of relapse.
Evidence-Based Practice
Clinical decision-making that integrates the best available research with clinical expertise and patient characteristics and preferences.
Relational Aspects of Therapy: Hope
An expectation that, with commitment from the therapy seeker, things can and will get better.
Relational Aspects of Therapy: New Perspective
Every psychotherapy offers people an explanation of their symptoms.