chemistry Flashcards
What behavior is exhibited by electromagnetic energy as it travels through space and at what speed does it travel?
Travels wave-like through space at the speed of light (3x10^8 m/s)
Lambda, distance from crest to crest on adjacent waves (measured in meters)
Nu, the number of of waves that pass a given point in a specific time. (Waves per second or hertz, hz)
The relationship between wave length and frequency of electromagnetic radiation and the equation that relates them.
As wavelength increases frequency decreases and vice versa
Speed of light (c)= wavelength (λ) x frequency (v)
Relationship between frequency (v) and the energy of electromagnetic radiation and the equation that relates them.
As frequency increases, energy also increases
energy (e)= plancks constant (h) x frequency (v)
What was the phenomenon that Bohr observed and which led him to his understanding that electrons could only exist in defined, fixed energy orbits around the nucleus?
Bohr’s model came about based on his realization that the hydrogen line-emission spectrum (The specific, intense lines of color seen) meant that electrons could only exist in and jump between, specific energy orbits around the nucleus.
ground state:
the lowest energy state of an atom
Excited state:
a state in which an atom has a higher potential than its ground state
Explain the process by which electromagnetic energy such as a light is given off by an atom.
First an electron absorbs energy and jumps to an excited state. As it drops down (decays) to a lower or ground state, it emits a photon of energy (electromagnetic radiation) if the photon of energy is of a wavelength that our eye can detect, we can detect, we can see it as light.
What does it mean when we say that is quantized?
It has a fixed amount or quantity of something. In the case of photons, a fixed quantity of energy. For example a photon of red light has a different amount of energy than a photon of violet light.
How does the quantum model of the atom differ from that of the Bohr model?
Quantum model: Different energy levels and 3-D orbitals (electron clouds)
Bohrs: 2D circular orbits of different energy
S block
Shape: Sphere
max # of orientations: 1
Electrons: 2
P block
Shape: Propeller
max # of orientations: 3
Electrons: 6
D block
Shape: Double propeller
max # of orientations: 5
Electrons: 10
F block
Shape: flower
max # of orientations: 7
Electrons: 14
What is the name used to indicate the electrons found in the highest energy level of an atom?
Valence Electrons
Which block orbitals contain the highest energy electrons?
S + P blocks
Pauli exclusion principle?
Two up arrows
Aufbau principle
electrons are arranged in an atom such that each electron occupies the lowest energy orbital available (skips a section)
Hund’s Rule
states that electrons should be placed into separate orbitals before going to the same orbital.