Chapters 6 and 7 Flashcards
Louis XIV
King Louis XIV (14th) developed “New france”
Samuel de Champlain
Samuel de Champlain established Quebec City in 1608.
Jesuits (Catholic missionaries) tried to convert the indigenous people but weren’t very successful.
George Washington
-George Washington was sent to the region to deal with the issue of competing land claims, his fam and others held some of the “shaky legal holdings” in the Ohio Country
-Washington and his men headed toward the French outpost Ft. Duquesne (du-kane) now Pittsburgh
-Washington was selected to head the army. He served without pay yet kept a careful expense record (the money he spent out his own pocket) that topped 100k (todays money)
The british conquered the Acadians in 1713 but in 1755 (fearing an uprising) they uprooted about 4,000 and deported them to French Lousisiana and other Atlantic locations
Benjamin Franklin
-ben franklin, author of Poor Richard’s Almanack gave advice like “honesty is the best policy”
He started the first public library and founded what became known as University of PA. (there were 50 public libraries and 40 newspapers by 1776)
Franklin also known for inventions and kite-flying experiment to prove that lighting’s a form of electricity.
-The “Beaver Wars” featured the French and Algonquin speaking peoples (the Juron) vs the British and the Iroquois (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora)
The purpose of the intercontinental congress, led by Franklin was:
- To keep the iroquois loyal to the brits
- Achieve colonial unity for common defense
-The Iroquois were reluctant to ally with Brits. (They felt cheated by brit land spectators) They eventually allied with the Brits but didn’t do much fighting
Edward Braddock
- Edward “Bulldog” Braddock was trained in European warfare and disliked guerilla-style fighting (which is what he encountered)
- His mission was to capture Ft. Duquesne with a force of 20000 (regs plus militia)
- Artillery slowed the expedition; the Brits has to build a road through the wilderness
- Braddock was killed and the brits were featured in a surprise attack near ft Duquesne
P.M. William Pitt
Britain’s 1756 attack on Canada was too broad and British forces were spread too thin.
Prime minister William Pitt changed the strategy, focusing on the big cities and forts (Louis, Quebec (where Wolfe defeated Montcalm,), then Montreal)
Native people now had to deal with the brits as the major colonial power and couldn’t play france against britain.
Pontiac rebelled (w help from remained French fur traders)
Starting with Detroit, his forces overran all but 3 brit posts west of the Appalachians, killing about 2,000 people. He was killed in 1769 by a rival
Sons & Daughters of Liberty
These people were part of a group that fought strongly and boldly through protesting
- The Sons of Liberty engaged in tarring and feathering customs officials and hanging effigies of stamp collectors.
-The Daughters of Liberty encouraged people to make homespun cloth.
-The Boston Tea Party (Dec. 16, 1773)- 342 chests dumped by the Sons of Liberty (about 1 mil in value today)
Sam Adams
-Sam Adams made The Boston Tea Party into anti-British propaganda.
-Samuel Adams was the first to organize a committee of correspondence.
Paul Revere
Paul Revere made The Boston Tea Party into anti-British propaganda.
the “british are coming” dude
P.M. George Grenville
Navigation Laws, 1763. George Grenville ordered strict enforcement of laws as colonists needed to start paying their share of the F&I war. Enforcement not effective, lots of smuggling
Stamp Act Protest: Grenville countered with “virtual representation,” the idea that legislative power and taxation power were one and the same.
Thomas Hutchinson
-MA’s governor Thomas Hutchinson refused to comply with The Boston Tea Party rebels (even after his house was ransacked and burned)
P.M. Lord North
Lord North (the new British P.M.) proposed that all duties except the one on tea be repealed.
french and indigenous offspring (like mestizo)
Beaver Wars
The “Beaver Wars” featured the French and Algonquin speaking peoples (the Juron) vs the British and the Iroquois (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora)
Positive results: both sides profited from the fur trade
Neg Results: beaver population declined in North America. Many Natives people died from disease or became addicted to alcohol gained through trade
King William’s War
King William’s War and Queen Anne’s War.
Both sides recruited Native allies and practiced guerilla warfare (no reg armies)
British colonist fought French fur trappers
The Spanish raided SC and the French and their Algonquin allies attacked MA and Ny frontier towns.
The Brits failed to take Quebec and Montreal but succeeded in taking Port Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia)
Queen Anne’s War
King William’s War and Queen Anne’s War.
Both sides recruited Native allies and practiced guerilla warfare (no reg armies)
British colonist fought French fur trappers
The Spanish raided SC and the French and their Algonquin allies attacked MA and Ny frontier towns.
The Brits failed to take Quebec and Montreal but succeeded in taking Port Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia)
The Peace of Utrecht (1713) ended Queen Anne’s War.
Peace of Utrecht
The Peace of Utrecht (1713) ended Queen Anne’s War. Britain gained Acadia as well as Hudson Bay and Newfoundland. The British won trading rights with the Spanish as well.