Chapters 27 and 28 and the first half of 29 Flashcards
Imperialism: the domination of a powerful nation over the police, social, and economic affairs of another nation/region (also called “expansionism”)
Reasons for expansion:
The need for outlets for a growing population
The desire for new markers and raw materials
Missionaries wanted to convert people to Christianity
Taking over new areas was “exciting” and “manly
The need to catch up with the other world powers, who had already divided up Africa and Asia
Alfred Mahan
Mahan wrote “The Influence of Sea Power on World History” where it stated that control of the seas was vital to a nation’s strength
It also said that the US should do the following:
Get a better navy
Build a canal across the isthmus of Panama
Get refueling stations in the Pacific and Caribbean
“Big Sister” policy
This policy by James Blaine aimed to rally Latn American nations behind US leadership.
Queen Lili’uokalani
She was the Queen of Hawaii and was deposed in 1983 and replaced by Sandford Dole, president of the Republic of Hawaii.
Lili’uokalani abdicated her throne in exchange for her life and the lives of her imprisoned supporters. She was placed under house arrest for a year
Republic of Hawaii
This is what Hawaii was after the US took control.
Insurrectos in Cuba
Rebels that destroyed everything they could in the civil war in Cuba prior to US involvement.
reconcentration camps
The Spanish moved around 300k citizens into reconcentration camps, where they could be “guarded.” Poor sanitation and disease killed many
the “Yellow Press”
this is another phrase for “yellow journalism”
Americans became enraged by the atrocities committed by General Valeriano (The Butcher) Weyler (as reported in the Yellow Press (yellow journalism smh))
The De Lome Letter
The Spanish minister to the US (Enrique Dupuy de Lome) wrote an insulting letter about Pres McKinley which was intercepted by the press (Hearst) and published.
De Home was humiliated and was forced to resign
This was really minor but did have an impact on beginnig the war with Spain
the explosion of the U.S.S Maine
THE U.S.S MAINE mysteriously blew up while stationed in Havana harbor (Feb 15, 1989)
260 lives were lost (3/4 of the crew)
The Spanish said it was an accident, but Americans insisted that it was a Spanish mine. A 2002 History Channel investigation concluded that a fire in a coal bunker and a weak bulkhead between the coal bunker and a powder bunker were the cause of the explosion
The American public called for war, crying out, “Remember the Maine! To Hell with Spain!”
Old Confederate Hero Gen. Wheeler said, “To hell with the Yankees. Damn it, I mean the Spaniards!”
the Teller Amendment
Congress voted for Spanish-American war and adopted the Teller Amendment, which would give Cubans their freedom after Spain was overthrown.
Emilio Aguinaldo
American troops arrived in August and took Manila with the help of Filipino insurgents led by Emilio Aguinaldo. (He works with the US for now but will turn against the US later)
Denied freedom, an open insurrection broke out among the Filipinos in Feb 1899.
The insurrection ended in 1901 when Emilio Aguinaldo was captured
TR’s Rough Riders
The Rough Riders organized by Theodore Roosevelt, who had resigned from his desk job) comprised a motley group of men: cowboys, polo players, and ex-cons. When he gets famous, this gets him into politics.
Battle of San Juan Hill
At the Battle of San Juan, Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders made a charge up Kettle Hill while the regulars attacked San Juan Hill, successfully defeating the Spaniards
Treaty of Paris, 1898
Cuba was freed from Spanish control, The Americans received Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, The US paid Spain 20 million for the Philippines
Anti-Imperialist League
This group arose to fight expansionism. They believed that annexing new regions violated the “consent of the governed” philosophy of the Dec of Ind.
Members included: Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie, Samuel Gompers
Andrew Carnegie offered to buy the Philippines for 20 million dollars so he could set them free, but the offer was rejected
Insular Cases
Insular Cases: the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution did not extend with full force to the new lands
Foraker Act
The Foraker Act (1900) gave PR citizens limited means of pop. gov. Puerto Rico doesn’t have a vote in Congress, but does have a non-voting member of the House called a “Resident commissioner”
the Platt Amendment
The US left Cuba but made it write a US approved constitution. The Platt Amendment stated Cubans were not allowed to impair their independence by making treaties with other countries on running up debt
Open Door note
Sec of State John Hay’s Open Door note urged the great powers to announce that they could respect Chinese rights and the ideal of fair competition in China
Only Italy accepted, as it has no leasehold in China. Hay interpreted the Russian refusal as acceptance
Boxer Rebellion
The Chinese fought back against the West in the Boxer Rebellion (1900). Over 200 whites (many missionaries) were killed. “Kill Foreign Devils!” was the Boxer phrase.
A multinational force (including the US) quelled the rebellion
The indemnity forced upon China was 333 million dollars. US share- 24.5 million dollars.
McKinley vs. Bryan (1900)
Teddy Roosevelt was chosen as McKinley’s running mate to get him out of the way of NY political bosses. TR toured the country for McKinley (who campaigned from home)
William J. Bryan campaigned as an anti-imperialist
McKinley’s slogan was “A Full Dinner Pail”
McKinley easily defeated Bryan
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901): Britain gave the US the right to build a canal and fortify it. (This overturned the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty)