Chapter 9: Primate Origins and Evolution: The First 50 Million Years Flashcards
Visual Predation Hypothesis
The proposition that unique primate traits arose as adaptations to preying on insects and on small animals.
Angiosperm Radiation Hypothesis
The proposition that certain primate traits, such as visual acuity, occurred in response to the availability of fruit and flowers following the spread of angiosperms, formed by Suussman
Arboreal Hypothesis
The proposition that primates’ unique suite of traits is an adaptation to living in trees
Paleocene organisms that may have been the first primates, originating from an adaptive radiation of mammals, likely an ancestral lineage leading to true primate ancestors
No postorbital bar or convergent eyes; lacked thumb opposability; had small claws; small brain; specialized rodent-like teeth
A separate order of early primate ancestors from the Paleocene, such as the plesiadapiforms, a separate order from Primates
The first true primates from the Eocene: the tarsier like omomyids and the lemur like adapids, consisting of adapids and omomyids
Euprimates of the Eocene that were likely ancestral to modern lemurs and possible ancestral to anthropoids
diurnal, long snout, very sexually dimorphic
Eocene euprimates that may be ancestral to tarsiers
nocturnal, short snout, large eyes, convergent eyes, grasping opposability, nails, generalized teeth
A genus of one of the largest adapids from the Eocene
A genus of adapids from the Eocene
A plesiadapiform genus fro the Paleocene, probably ancestral to the Eocene primates
Basal Anthropoids
Eocene primates that are the earliest anthropoids
A genus of very small basal anthropoids from the Eocene
“Dawn Monkey” with short heel
An early basal anthropoid with two cusps on its lower premolars. It is one of numerous primate species recovered from the Fayum of northeastern Africa.
2 cusped premolars
Evidence of suspensory locomotion comes from what bone?
The Calcanues, Calcaneal variation, varies in length.
The earliest anthropoid ancestors in the Oligocene, found in the Fayum, Egypt
Anthropoid ancestors from the Oligocene, found in Fayum
Anthropoid ancestors from the Oligocene, found in Africa
A genus of later parapithecids from the Oligocene, found in fayum
Oligocene propliopithecid genus.
A propliopithecid genus from the Oligocene, probably ancestral to catarrhines; the largest primate found in Fayum
An early catarrhine Oligocene genus from a group of primates that gave rise to later catarrhines
A South American genus from the Oligocene, ancestral to platyrrhines
Early Miocene apes found in East Africa
A genus of very small proconsuls from the Miocene, found in Africa
A genus of early Miocene proconsuls from Africa, ancestral to catarrhines
A genus of dryopithecid apes found in southern France and northern Spain
Early Miocene apes found in Asia
Teeth like proconsulids, Y-5 Pattern, less monkey like body, larger brains
Early Miocene apes found in Asia
Concave faces, thick enamel, very orangutan like
A genus of Miocene sivapithecids, proposed as ancestral to orangutans
A genus of Miocene apes from Asia, likely ancestral to orangutans
A genus of Miocene pongids from Asia; the largest primate that ever lived
Miocene apes that were found in Europe
A genus of oreopithecids found in Italy that was extinct within a million years of its appearance.
A genus of Miocene dryopithecids found in Greece
Miocene primates from Africa, possibly ancestral to Old World monkeys
A genus of fossil and living Old World monkeys found in Africa; it was more diverse in the past than it is today and was one of the first monkey genera to appear in the evolutionary record.
The Fayum Depression
Heartland of anthropoid ancestors, centered on Birket Qarun Lake, a wet, warm, subtropical environment
4 Hypotheses for NW Higher Primate Origin
- Migrated south from North America
- Originated in Africa, ancestors migrated across Atlantic Ocean to South America
- African ancestors reached South America by land through South Africa and Antartica
- Originated independently
Data favors 2 and 3