Chapter 13: Our last 10,000 Years: Agriculture, Population, Biology Flashcards
Modern Human Migration Patterns
From Africa to Middle East
Expand East into Asia
Into Australia and Europe
Northern Asians crossed Bering Strait to New World
Australian and Pacific Migration
During late Pleistocene, the sea levels were 300ft lower than today, more land bridges
Arrived in Australia
Boats still required
Mango Man skeleton found, fairly heavy brows
Kow Swamp Skull more modern
Homo Florensiensis
short, 1 meter
may or may not represent new species
may had undergone island dwarfism
individual with microphaly, brain fails to develop properly
First Americans
Arrived for N Asia through Bering Strait called Paleoindians
Pre-Clovis Culture, large spear points
Clovis complex culture, large fluted, bifacial stone points
Folsom complex culture, large, fluted to tip
Shovel shaped incisors
posterior aspect has varying degrees of concavity
Kennewick incisors
more robust and less rounded, than the more gracile modern Indian skulls
Hoyo Negro
oldest known human fossil of New World
teenage girl Naia in Yucatan Peninsula
With agriculture, teeth have
become smaller and weaker because of softer foods
need for braces
jaw doesn’t close correctly with teeth aligned, creating crooked teeth
Follows Wolf’s Law of bone recession
15,000-11,000 ya
foraging and fire use
plant domestication begins
11,000-6,000 ya
small to large scale farming
plants are well domesticated
full blown agriculture
plants are domesticated
What age begins with plant and animal domestication
neolithic age (new Stone Age)
Agricultural Diffusion timeline
Southwest Asia Central Mexico South Central Andes North China South China Eastern US Sub-Sharan Africa
Temperate and Tropical plants
Temperate: C3 plants (no carbon 13): Wheat, barley, rye, rice
Tropical: C4 plants (uptakes carbon 13): Corn, millet, sorghum
Can be dated in teeth
one of the earliest cities
body found in fetal position like le Chapelle aux Saints
these early Neolithic humans formed
China and SW Asia
Rice domesticated
Emmer and Einkom Wheat to Greece and Europe
Corn/Maize domesticated spread to American Southwest and Atlantic coast
Animal Domestication
dogs, goats, sheep, cattle, and pigs
Neolithic Demographic Transition
high birthrate 2-3 million 300 million by 2000 ya 1 billion by 1850 >7 billion today leads to soil erosion, deforestation, overgrazing
The Prisoner Dilemma
Humans cooperate or compete when faced with common challenge
Warriors Tetralemma
Urges fight, flight, posture, or submission
The Peacemakers Dilemma
An iterated positive sum game of choice to cooperate or defect
Pacification Process
non state societies have more war deaths than state societies