Chapter 7: Primate Sociality, Social Behavior, and Culture Flashcards
Jane Goodall
Freely studied chimp societies, luckily because of habituation
process of animals becoming accustomed to human observers
Primates social signals
touching, hugging, mouthing, lip smacking, vocalizing, greeting, grooming
how behaviors evolve, a product of our genetics and environments by means of natural selection and sexual selection
Harry Harlow
examined mother/infant bond with mechanical mother
Male reproductive strategies
compete with other males for access to female attention
Female reproductive strategies
compete with other females for access to resources and resource safe males
Sexual Dimorphism
body size: contrast low in monogamous, and contrast high in single male society
one male with many females
one female with many males
equal female and male
one male and one female
Sexual Selection
frequency of traits changing due to attractions to opposite sex, usually females select males that are larger, more colorful, etc
new male kills infants so lactating females ovulate and receptive which overcome lactation amenorrhea
Advantages to living in a group and requirements
altruism more eyes/ears defense hunting social learning requires: high intelligence Vocalizations Tension relieves
behaviors benefiting other in a group while disadvantaging or reducing fitness of the altruistic
Kin Selection
fitness benefits of altruistic behavior to the kin group outweigh risks/liability of the altruistic
equal benefit, grooming, sharing creates bonding but can also negative side in revenge
Inclusive fitness
number of offspring equivalents an individual adopts, reduces, or cares for by action
Personal Fitness
number of offspring an individual begets
We can examine primate behavior through
predation patterns
Greatest threat to monkey predation
the Crowned Eagle
How did Crowned Eagle eat things 3 times there size
tore the monkey apart and brought pieces to the nest
Social behavior was influenced by
ancestors need to respond to predators and dangers
Factors for finding food
Quality, Distribution, Availability
Dominant macaques have enlarged…while submissive macaques have enlarged…
amygdala and striatum
Found that not only do humans use tools, but
chimps also, examined by Jane Goodall
Cross-species cultural diffusion
one species learns something from a different species, like a tradition
Baboon personalities
Nice-liberal grunting, strong social bonds
Aloof-selective grunting, stable social bonds
Loner-often alone, weaker social bonds
Chacma Baboons
Asses physical fighting fitness of rival by listening to robust/impressive quality of “wahoo” call
Howler Monkeys
assess the census strength of rival group by counting long callers and advancing or retracting based on data
Semantic like, functionally referant
leopard growls, leads to a stress call by a monkey
an organisms makes a call, and another adds a suffix to the call with, kraken-oo