Chapter 3: Genetics: Reproducing Life and Producing Variation Flashcards
Topic Question
What is the genetic code?
What does the genetic code (DNA) do?
How does understanding genes help us understand variation?
Tree of Life Diversity
Bacteria- largest diversity
Archaeo- ancient diversity
Metazoans (middle-life)- humans
Eukaryotic Cell
Metazoan cell with membrane bound organelles, nucleus
The “true nuts” (nucleus), 1.2 billion years old
Single celled organism and multi-celled
DNA controlled in membrane-bound nucleus
Mitochondria a prokaryote (endosymbiosis) have their own DNA and is a Alpha protea bacteria
Prokaryotic Cells
DNA distributed throughout cell, with lipid bi-layers
Somatic Cells
cells part of a larger body of multi-cellular organisms like neurons, blood cells, plant cells, have full DNA
a cyanobacteria
23, restore meiosis with egg and sperm
linear molecules of DNA, found in nuclei “nuclear DNA”
have their own DNA which is circular
DNA Structure
Double Helix, a phosphate, 5 carbon sugars, nitrogen, these are nucleotides (building blocks)
complete set of genetic information for an organism
all cells have same set of DNA, except red blood cells
not same in every cell
Matrineal v. Patrineal
traces DNA in mitochondria from dad or mom, use Y to trace ancestry
ancient genetics
polymerase chain reaction
copies are made through heating and cooling
Nucleotide bases
A adenine
T Thymine
G guanine
C cytosine
Nucleotide paring
DNA Replication
DNA unravels, enzymes come along to make complimentary stands (free floating nucleotides)
For every 1000 base pairs, there is at least one mistake
copying DNA prior to cell division, so each daughter cell receives full complement of DNA
cellular and nuclear division to make 2 identical diploid daughter cells 2n to 2n
2 stage cell/nuclear division to make haploid gametes, egg and sperm 2n to n (sex cells don’t receive full complement
Chromosome Types
Homologous Pairs (same descent) Autosomes (22 pairs) Sex chromosomes (1 pair) x and y Karyotype: set of all chromosomes
Prenatal Development
Haploid: egg and sperm meet, sperm 1n and egg 1n create diploid zygote 2n
Zygote is fertilized egg of 2n and continues to divide through meiosis to make more gametes