Chapter 9: Energy Balance and Weight Management: Finding Your Equilibrium Flashcards
Android obesity
Excess storage of fat situated primarily within the abdominal cavity
A psychological need to eat that is associated with the pleasant sensations typically related to food
Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE)
The basal metabolic rate (BMR) scaled to twenty four hours. typically used interchangeably with REE
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
A clinical calculation of resting energy expenditure performed upon waking up, ten to twelve hours after ingestion, and twelve to eighteen hours after any significant physical activity. usually used interchangeably with RMR
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Technique to estimate amounts of total body water, lean tissue mass, and total body fat. It uses the resistance of tissue to the flow of an alternating electrical current
a tool used to measure the density of the body based on the amount of air displaced as someone sits in a sealed chamber of known volume
Body Composition
The chemical or anatomical composition of the body. Most commonly this is defined as the proportions of fat, muscle, bone, and other tissues within the body
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
A disorder of eating in which a distressing and impairing preoccupation with an imagined or slight defect in appearance happens to primary symptom
Body Fat Distribution
The pattern of fat distribution on the body
Body Image
An individual’s mental construct of his or her physical appearance, created from many various influences
Body Mass Index (BMI)
the body’s weight (in kilograms) divide by the square height (in meters), expressed in units of kg/m2. additionally known as Quetelet index
Bomb Calorimeter
A tool that uses the heat of combustion to accurately measure the energy content of a food
A tool used to measure quantities of heat generated by numerous processes
The measuring of the quantity of heat given off by an organism. it is used to determine total energy expenditure
A method for estimating body composition from the measurement of total body density
Direct calorimetry
Determination of energy use by the body by measuring the heat discharged from an organism enclosed in an exceedingly small insulated chamber enclosed by water. the rise in the temperature of the water is directly related to the energy utilized by the organism
Doubly labeled Water
a technique for measuring daily energy expenditure over extended time periods, usually seven to fourteen days, whereas subjects are living in their usual environments. small amounts of water that is isotopically tagged with deuterium and oxygen-18 (2H2O and H218O) are eaten. Energy expenditure can be calculated from the difference between the rates at that the body loses each type of isotype
The capability to do work. The energy in food is a form of chemical energy, that the body converts to mechanical, electrical, or heat energy
Energy Balance
The balance within the body between amounts of energy consumed and exhausted
Energy Equilibrium
A balance of energy intake and output that leads to very little or no change in weight over time
Energy Intake
The caloric or energy content of food provided by the sources of dietary energy: carbohydrate (4 kcal/g), protein (4 kcal/g), fat (9 kcal/g), and alcohol (7 kcal/g)
Energy Output
the employment of calories or energy for basic body functions, physical activity, and processing of consumed foods
Extreme obesity
obesity characterised by body weight surpassing 100% of normal; a condition so severe if usually requires surgery
A peptide hormone made by the stomach that stimulates feeding; generally known as the “hunger hormone”
Gynoid obesity
Storage of fat placed primarily within the buttocks and thighs. additionally known as gynecoid obesity
the internal, physiological drive to seek out and consume food. not like appetite, hunger is sometimes experienced as a negative sensation, usually manifesting as an uneasy or painful sensation; the recurrent and involuntary lack of access to seek out that food may produce deficiency disease over time
Underwater weighing
determining individual body density by measuring the amount of water displaced once the body is absolutely submerged in a specialised tank of water. additionally known as hydrostatic weighing
a section of the brain involved in regulation of hunger and satiation, respiration, body temperature, water balance, and other body functions
Indirect calorimetry
Determination of energy use by the body while not directly measuring the production of heat. strategies include gas exchange, the measurement of oxygen uptake and/or CO2 output, and also the doubly labelled water method
forms of an element in which the atoms have same number of protons however completely different numbers of neutrons
Lean Body Mass
The portion of the body exclusive of stored fat, together with muscle, bone, connective tissue, organs, and water
A hormone created by fat cells that signals the amount of body fat content and influences food intake; generally known as “satiety hormone”
Negative Energy Balance
Energy intake is less than energy expenditure, leading to a depletion of body energy stores and weight loss
Negative Self-Talk
Mental or verbal statements made to one’s self that reinforce negative or harmful self-perceptions
Neuropeptide Y (NPY)
A neurochemical widely distributed throughout the brain and peripheral nerve tissue. NPY activity has been connected to feeding behavior, depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular performance
BMI at or above thirty kgm2
BMI at or above 25 kg/m2 and fewer than 30 kg/m2
Positive Energy Balance
Energy intake exceeds energy expenditure, leading to a rise in body energy stores and weight gain
Resting Energy Expenditure (REE)
The minimum energy required to keep up basic physiological functions (e.g., heartbeat, muscle function, respiration). The resting rate of metabolism (RMR) extrapolated to twenty four hours. typically used interchangeably with BEE
Resting metabolic rate (RMR)
A clinical measurement of resting energy expenditure performed 3 to four hours once ingestion or undergoing significant physical activity. typically used interchangeably with basal metabolic rate
Feeling of satisfaction and fullness that terminates a meal
the results of a food or meal that delay consequent intake. a sense of satisfaction and fullness following ingestion that quells the need for food
Total Body Water
All of the water within the body, as well as intracellular and extracellular water, and water within the urinary and GI tracts
Total Energy Expenditure (TEE)
the whole of the resting energy expenditure (REE), energy utilized in physical activity, and energy utilized in processing food (TEF); which is typically expressed in kilocalories per day
Underwater weighing
determining individual body density by measuring the amount of water displaced once the body is absolutely submerged in a specialised tank of water. additionally known as hydrostatic weighing
Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCD)
Diets supplying 400 to 800 kilocalories per day, that include adequate high-quality dietary protein, very little or no fat, very little sugar
Waist Circumference
The waist measure, as a marker of abdominal fat content; can be used to possibly indicate health risks
Weight cycling
perennial periods of gaining or losing weight. additionally known as yo-yo dieting
Weight Management
The adoption of healthful and sustainable ingestion and exercise behaviors that scale back illness risk and improve well-being
BMI less than 18.5 kg/m2
Consumption of a really large amount of food in an exceedingly short time (e.g., 2 hours) often accompanied by a loss of management over how much and what is consumed
Binge Eaters
people who habitually consume a very great amount of food in a very short amount of time (e.g., 2 hours) and lose the ability to control over what quantity and what’s eaten
Binge-Eating Disorder
an disorder of eating marked by recurrent episodes of binge intake and a sense of loss of control. The diagnosis relies on an individual’s having a median of at least 2 binge-eating episodes per week for 6 months
Hypercellular obesity
obesity because of an above-average number of fat cells
Restrained Eaters
people who habitually avoid food as long as possible, and then gorge on food
Sleep Apnea
Periods of the absence of respiration throughout sleep