Chapter 4: Carbohydrates Flashcards
Acesulfame K
a synthetic sweetener that’s two hundred times sweeter than common table sugar (sucrose). as a result of it is not digestible and absorbed by the body, acesulfame contributes no calories to the diet and yields no energy once consumed
Alpha (a) Bonds
Chemical bonds linking two monosaccharides (glycosidic bonds) which will be broken by human enteric enzymes, expelling the individual monosaccharides. Both sucrose and maltose contain alpha bonds
branched-chain carbohydrate composed of D-glucose units
A straight-chain carbohydrate composed of D-glucose units
a synthetic sweetener composed of two amino acids and methyl alcohol.
Beta (b) Bonds
Chemical bonds linking 2 monosaccharides (glycosidic bonds) that can’t be broken by human enteric enzymes. the polysaccharide cellulose contains beta bonds
useful fiber, consisting of branched carbohydrate chains of glucose monomers, that helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Found in barley and oats
Blood Glucose Levels
the quantity of glucose within the blood at any given time. additionally called blood sugar levels
The layers of protective coating round the grain kernel that are very rich in dietary fiber and nutrients
A straight-chained carbohydrate composed of thousands of glucose units joined by beta bonds. it is indigestible by humans and a part of dietary fiber
A long-chain structural polysaccharide of slightly changed glucose. Found within the hard exterior skeletons of insects, crustaceans, and different invertebrates; additionally occurs within the cell walls of fungi
carbohydrate polysaccharide derived from chitin
Complex Carbohydrates
Chains of over 2 monosaccharides. could also be oligosaccharides or polysaccharides
In chemistry, a reaction during which a chemical bond is created between 2 molecules by removal of a water molecule
Dental Caries
Destruction of the enamel surface of teeth caused by acids ensuing from microbial breakdown of sugars in the mouth
Diabetes Mellitus
A chronic illness in which uptake of blood sugar by body cells is impaired, leading to high glucose levels within the blood and excrement. type 1 is caused by decreased pancreatic release of insulin. In type 2, target cells (e.g., fat and muscle cells) lose ability to respond ordinarily to insulin
Dietary Fiber
Carbohydrates and lignins that are naturally in plants and are nondigestible; that is, they’re not digested and absorbed within the human bowel
Carbohydrates composed of 2 monosaccharide units coupled by a glycosidic bond. They include sucrose (common table sugar), lactose (milk sugar), and malt sugar
the biggest, middle portion of a grain kernel. The endosperm is high in starch to supply food for the growing plant embryo
A hormone discharged in response to stress or abrupt danger, epinephrine raises blood sugar levels to prepare the body for “fight or flight.” additionallyknown as adrenaline
a typical monosaccharide containing six carbons that is naturally present in honey and lots of fruits; often supplemented to foods in the form of high-fructose corn syrup. additionally called levulose or fructose
Functional Fiber
Isolated indigestible carbohydrates, together with some factory-made carbohydrates, that have beneficial effects in humans
A monosaccharide containing six carbons which will be converted into glucose within the body. In foods and living systems, galactose typically is joined with different monosaccharides
The innermost part of a grain, situated at the base of the kernel, which will grow into a brand new plant. The germ is rich in protein, oils, vitamins, and minerals
made by alpha cells within the pancreas, this polypeptide hormone promotes the breakdown of liver glycogen to free glucose, thereby increasing blood glucose. -Glucagon secretion is stimulated by low blood sugar levels and by growth hormone
a common simple sugar containing six carbons that is present in the blood; additionally referred to as dextrose and blood sugar. it is a part of the disaccharides sucrose, lactose, and malt sugar and numerous complex carbohydrates
Glycemic Index
A measure of the impact of food on blood sugar levels. it is the quantitative relation of the blood sugar value after feeding the same amount of white bread or glucose
an awfully large, highly branched polysacchaaride composed of multiple glucose units. generally known as animal starch, glycogen is the primary storage form of glucose in animals
Dietary fibers, that contain galactose and other monosaccharides, found between plant cell walls
The uneatable covering of a grain kernel. additionally known as the chaff
synthesized by beta cells within the pancreas, this peptide hormone stimulates the uptake of blood sugar into muscle and fat cells, the synthesis of glycogenwithin the liver, and varied other processes
Ketone Bodies
Molecules fashioned when insufficient - carbohydrate is consumed to completely metabolise fat. Formation of ketone bodies is promoted by very lowglucose level and high acyl CoA level among cells. Acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate is typically improperly known as a ketone
high concentration of ketone bodies in body tissues and fluids
A disaccharide composed of glucose and galactose; additionally known as milk sugar as a result it’s the main sugar in milk and dairy product
A oligosaccharide composed of 2 glucose molecules;m generally known as maltose. malt sugar rarely is present naturally in foods however it is synthesizedwhenever long molecules of starch break down
Any sugars that aren’t broken down throughout digestion and have the overall formula CnH2nOn, where n=3 to 7. The common monosaccharides glucose, fructose, and galactose all have six carbon atoms (n=6)
gelatinlike (jellylike) soluble fibers containing galactose, mannose, and different monosaccharides; found in alga
synthetic sweeteners kind of like aspartame, however one that’s sweeter and doesn’t need a warning label for phenyliketonurics
Nonnutritive Sweeteners
Substances that impart sweetness to foods however provide very little or no energy to the body; additionally known as artificial or alternativesweeteners. They typically include acesulfame, aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose
Short saccharide chains composed of three to ten sugar molecules
Pancreatic amylase
Starch-digesting catalyst secreted by the pancreas
a kind of dietary fiber found in fruits
Sugar molecules containing 5 carbon atoms
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
an inherited disease caused by a scarcity or deficiency of the protein catalyst that converts phenylalanine to tyrosine
Sugar Alcohols
formed from monosaccharides by substitution a proton with a hydroxyl (-OH); normally used as nutrient sweeteners. additionally known aspolyols
~ Long saccharide chains composed of more than ten sugar molecules. Polysaccharides may be straight or branched
Refined Sweeteners
Composed of monosaccharides and disaccharides that have been extracted and processed from other types of foods
Resistant Starch
starch that’s not digestible
a synthetic sweetener that tastes around three hundred to 700 times sweeter than table sugar
Simple Carohydrates
Sugars composed of one sugar molecule (a monosaccharide) or 2 joined sugar molecules (a disaccharide)
the key storage type of sugar in plants; starch consists of long chains of glucose molecules in a straight (amylose) or branching (amylopectin) arrangement
A dietary supplement, not approved to be used as a sweetener, that’s extracted and refined from Stevia rebaudiana leaves
a synthetic sweetener made up of sucrose; it had been approved to be used within the united states in 1998, and has been utilized in Canada since 1992. Sucralose is non-nutritive and around 600 times sweeter than sugar
A oligosaccharide composed of 1 molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose joined along. additionally referred to as table sugar
Sugar Alcohols
Compounds formed from monosaccharides by substitution a proton with a hydroxyl (-OH); normally used as nutrient sweeteners. additionally known aspolyols
Total Fiber
The added sum of dietary fiber and useful fiber
A oligosaccharide of 2 sugar molecules, however with a linkage completely different from malt sugar. Used as a artificial additive and sweetener