Chapter 13: Trace Minerals Flashcards
A polypeptide that circulates within the blood and functions in the circulatory transport of the many minerals and a few chemical compounds
A copper-dependent catalyst responsible for the oxidation of ferrous ion (Fé+) to ferric ion (Fě+), enabling iron to bind to transferrin. additionally referred to as ferroxidase I
Chelation therapy
Use of a chelator (e.g., EDTA) to bind metal ions to get rid of them from the body
A inborn condition usually caused by severe iodine deficiency throughout gestation, that is characterized by attenuated physical and mental development
Crohn’s Disease
A malady that causes inflammation and ulceration on sections of the internal organ tract
heme proteins that transfer electrons within the electron transport chain through the alternate oxidation and reduction of iron
Ferric Iron (Fě+)
The oxidized form of iron able to be connected to transferrin for transport
a complex of iron and apoferritin that’s a significant storage form of iron
Ferrous Iron (Fé+)
The reduced kind of iron most typically found in food
dappled discoloration and pitting of tooth enamel caused by prolonged consumption of excessive fluoride-containing compounds
Iron or steel with a thin layer of zinc plated onto it to guard against corrosion
A chronic enlargement of the thyroid gland, visible as a swelling at the front of the neck; sometimes associated with iodine deficiency
Compounds that may induce goiter
percentage volume occupied by packed red blood cells in a centrifuged sample of blood
A chemical complex with a central iron atom (ferric iron Fě+) that forms the oxygen-binding part of hemoglobin and myoglobin
Heme Iron
The iron found in hemoprotein and hemoprotein of animal foods
an insoluble kind of storage iron
attenuated functional activity of the gonads (ovaries or testes) with retardation of growth and sexual development
The results of a lowered level of circulating thyroid hormone, with attenuation of mental and physical functions
Keshan disease
Selenium-deficiency disease that impairs the structure and function of the cardiac system
Menkes Syndrome
A genetic defect that ends up in copper deficiency
Proteins with a mineral cofactor as a vital piece of their structure
an abundant, catalyst, zinc-containing polypeptide
The addition of minerals, like calcium and phosphorus, to bones and teeth
Inorganic compounds required for growth and for regulation of body processes
Myelin Sheath
The protecting coating surrounds nerve fibers
Development of the myelin sheath, a substance that surrounds nerve fibers
The oxygen-transporting polypeptide of muscle that resembles blood hemoglobin in function
Nonheme Iron
The iron in plants as well as the iron in animal foods that are not a part of hemoglobin or hemoprotein
Organic compounds that include an unsaturated ring containing more than one -OH group as a part of their chemical structures; might produce bitterness in caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea
A chemical complex that mixes with iron to create heme
A selenium-containing amino acid that’s the biologically active variety of selenium
A selenium-containing amino acid derived from methionine that’s the storage kind of selenium
A sickness that results from excess silicon element exposure
The storage variety of thyroid hormone inside thyroid gland
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Secreted from the pituitary gland at the bottom of the brain, an endocrine hormone that regulates the synthesis of thyroid hormones
Thyroxine (T4)
an iodine-containing protein hormone secreted by the thyroid gland to control the speed of cell metabolism; better-known biochemically as tetraiodothyronine
Total Parental Nutrition (TPN)
Feeding an individual by giving all essential nutrients intravenously
A peptide synthesized in the liver that transports iron within the blood to the erythroblasts to be used in haem synthesis
Transferrin Receptors
specialized receptors on the plasma membrane that bind transferrin
Transferrin Saturation
The extent to that transferrin has vacant iron-binding sites (e.g., low transferrin saturation indicates a high proportion of vacant iron-binding sites)
Triiodothyronine (T3)
an iodine-containing thyroid hormone with many times the biological activity of tetraiodothyronine (T4)
Wilson’s Disease
congenital disease of accumulated copper absorption, that results in poisonous levels within the liver and heart