Chapter 9 - Core Training Concepts Flashcards
The structures that make p the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC), including the lumbar spine, the pelvic girdle, abdomen, and the hip joint.
Muscles connecting directly to the vertebrae consisting mostly of slow twitch muscle fibers. Provide support from vertebra to vertebra.
Local Stabilization System
Contributes to segmental spinal stability by increasing intra-abdominal pressure and generating tension in the connective tissue of the low back, thus increasing spinal stiffness for improved intersegmental neuromuscular control.
Local Stabilization System
Muscles that attach from the pelvis to the spine acting to transfer loads between the upper extremity and lower extremity.
Global stabilization System
Group of muscles providing stability and eccentric control of the core during functional movements.
Global stabilization System
Transversus abdominis Internal Oblique Lumbar Multifidis Pelvic Floor Muscles Diaphragm Make up which muscular system
Local stabilization System
Quadratus Lumbourum Psoas major External oblique Portions of internal oblique Rectus abdominas Gluteus medius Adductor complex Make up which muscular system>
Global Stabilization System
Latissimus dorsi Hip flexors hamstring complex quadriceps make up which muscular system?
Movement System
Muscles that attach the spine and/or pelvis to the extremeties. Primarily responsible for concentric force production and eccentric deceleration during dynamic activity.
Movement System
A maneuver used to recruit the local core stabilizers by drawin the navel in toward the spine.
Drawing in maneuver
Occurs when you have contracted both the abdominal, lower back, and buttock muscles at the same time.
Core-Stabilization: Perform exercise
Two-Leg floor bridge
Core Stabilization: Perform exercise
Floor prone cobra
Core Stabilization: Perform exercise
Prone-Iso abs (aka Plank)
Core Stabilization: perform exercise
Ball Crunch
Core Strength: perform exercise
Back Extension
Core Strength: Perform exercise
Reverse Crunch
Core Strength: Perform exercise
Cable Rotation
Core Strength: Perform exercise
Rotation Chest Pass
1) Stand upright, feet shoulders width apart and toes straight ahead.
2) Hold a medicine ball (between 5 and 10% of body weight)
3) use abdominals and hips to rotate body quickly and explosively 90 degrees. As body turns, pivot back leg and allow it to go into triple extension (hip, knee, and ankle)
4) Throw medicine ball with the rear arm extending and applying force.
5) Catch and reapeat as quickly as can be controlled.
Ball Medicine Ball Pullover throw
Core Power:
1) Lie on ball (ball under low back) with knees bent 90 degrees, feet flat on floor, toes pointing forward.
2) Hold medicine ball (5-10% body weight) overhead with arms extended.
3) quickly crunch forward, throwing med ball against the wall or to a partner.
4) As ball releases, allow arms to completely follow through.
5) Catch ball and repeat
Front Medicine Ball Oblique Throw
Power-core exercise:
Soccer Throw
Core Power Exercise
What type of core exercises are appropriate for phase 1 of the opt model? How many exercises, sets, reps, @ what tempo and with how much rest is appropriate for this phase?
Core Stabilization: 1-4 exercises / 1-4 sets / 12-20 reps/ slow (4/2/1) tempo / 0-90s rest
What core exercises are approprioate for phases 2.3.4 of the OPT model? How many exercises, sets, reps, at what tempo and with how much rest is appropriate at this phase.
Core Strength: 0-4 exercises / 2-3 sets / 8-12 reps / medium tempo / 0-60s rest
What core exercises are appropriate for phase 5 of the OPT model? How many exercise, sets, reps, at what tempo, and with how much rest is appropriate for this phase.
Core Power: 0-2 exercises / 2-3 sets / 8-12 reps / as fast as can be controlled / 0-60s rest.
Ball Bridge
Core-Stabilization: perform
Quadruped opposite arm/leg raise
Core-stabilization: perform
Ball cobra
Core-stabilization: perform
side Iso abs (side Plank)
Core-stabilization: perform
Knee up
Cable lift
Cable chop
reverse hypers
Core strength
Side medicine ball oblique throw
Soccer throw
Medicine ball back extension throw