Chapter 16 - Chronic Health Conditions and Physical or Functional Limitations Flashcards
Children tend to have __________ peak oxygen uptake levels, sweating rates, and tolerance for temperature extremes compared with adults.
High intensity or volume aerobic or anaerobic training should be ________ in children.
_________ fitness training should focus on physiologic adaptations that are developed through a combination of physical activity and resistance and aerobic training that emphasizes skill and controlled movements.
_______________may have elevated resting an exercise blood pressures and reduced maximal heart rates and cardiac outputs.
older adults
Resistance training for older clients is recommended ____ to _____ day per week using _________ weights and ________ progressions.
3 to 5; lighter; slower
Carbohydrate or insulin intake should be stressed ______________ and _____________ exercise to reduce the risk of postexercise hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic events.
before and after
SMR for diabetes clients may be ________________ for anyone with a loss of protective sensation in the feet and legs.
Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure __ / __
greater or equal to 140/90
Hypertension can be controlled through ____________- exercise, diet and other lifestyle changes; howerver, clients are encouraged to take all prescribed medications as directed by their physician.
Idividuals with hypertension should engage in ___________ aerobic exercise, and may want to avoid high intensity high volume _______ training.
low intensity; resistance
measure and pay close attention to the _____________ response to exercise of clients with hypertension, instead of relyin on estimates or equations.
Supine or prone (especially when head is lower than the heart may be contraindicated for those with _____________
Cardiorespiratory training for those with hypertension should focus on ___________ and progress only with a physician’s approval.
Phase 1
plyometric training should be used with care for this population
Phases _____________are appropriate for those with hypertension.
1 and 2
Programs for those with hypertension should be performed in a _____________ or using PHA system.
Circuit style
The cardiovascular complication rate is _____ in exercise programs.
In the case of CHD, Personal trainers must have a clear understanding about a clients diesase, med use, and upper safe limit of exercise imposed by the client’s ___________.
In the case of CHD Aerobic _________ exercise is recommended.
low intensity
In the case of CHD, reistance training should not be started until the client has been exercising without problems for at least ________
3 months
In CHD most exercises should be performed in a _____ or _______ position
seated; standing
SMR should be approved by the client’s __________ in the case of CHD.
With CHD exercises should be performed in a circuit style of using ____________ system.
PHA training
If a client is diagnosed with osteoporosis, a _____ must dictate to what degree the client can engage in weight bearing activities or resistance training.
Exercise training programs that combine resistance training to incerase bone mineral density with flexibility, core, and balance training to enhance proprioception are highly recommended for this population as long as they have been cleard by their physician and the preassessment indicates they can.
clients diagnose with osteoporosis.
in the case of an arthritic flare-up even ____________ exercises may not be able to be performed.
In those with arthritis, exercises taht cause pain to persist for more than _________ after exercise should be modified or eliminated from the routine.
1 hoiur
In those with arthritis functional capacity and balance can be increased by progressing exercises so that they are performed in a _________ position to a _______– position
seated; standing
For clients recovering from cancer, exercise that follows the OPT model at low to moderate intensities for moderate durations has a ___________ effect on the immune system.
In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy only phase __ exercises are advised.
In general, those with CHD, exercise is ________ to what would be appropriate for the general population. adequat rest intervals need to be maintained. PHA is advised.
When there is increased activity of leg muscles, this condition results in symptoms in which oxygen need does not meet demand. Causes primarily leg pain
intermittent claudication
Exercise in an __________ format with rest as necessary between bouts of exercise is recommended for clients with PAD
smr is/is not recommended for those with PAD
is not
Exercise bouts for those with PAD may ned to start with ___ to __ minutes and progress slowly to 20 to 30 minutes.
5 to 10