Chapter 9 Core Training Flashcards
the structures that make up the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, including the lumbar spine, the girdle, abdomen, and the hip joint
drawing-in maneuver
a maneuver used to recruit the local stabilizers by drawing the navel in toward the spine
occurs when you have contracted both the abdominal, lower back, and buttock muscles at the same time
core stabilization exercise
corestabilization exercises have little to no motion through the spine and pelvis, and these exercises mostly focus on
isometric contractions, like a plank
Core strength exercises
corestrength exercises take the spine through a full range of motion with eccentric and concentric muscle actions (e.g.,
spinal flexion, extension, and rotation). Core-strength exercises are what are most people traditionally think of for
core training, such as crunches, back extensions, and cable rotations.
core power exercises
core-power exercises
involve explosive movements through the core. These movements are achieved by a variety of medicine ball throws
that take the core through movements in all three planes of motion
core stabilizing muscles are primarily responsible for
Core stabilizing muscles are primarily responsible for intervertebral and intersegmental stability and work to limit excessive compressive, shear, and
rotational forces between spinal segments provide support from vertebra to vertebra. Th ese muscles
also aid in proprioception and postural control because of their high density of muscle
core stabilizer muscles contribute to segmental spinal stability by
muscles contribute to segmental spinal stability by increasing
intra-abdominal pressure (pressure within the abdominal cavity) and generating tension in the thoracolumbar fascia (connective tissue of the low back), thus increasing
spinal stiff ness for improved intersegmental neuromuscular control
purpose of global stabilization system
stability between the pelvis and spine, and provide stabilization and eccentric control
226 Section 2 – Assessments, Training Concepts, and Program Design
of the core during functional movements
movement system is primarily responsible for
primarily responsible for concentric force production
and eccentric deceleration during dynamic activities
people with Low back pain have decreased activation of
decreased activation of certain muscles or muscle groups, including transverse
abdominis, internal obliques, pelvic fl oor muscles, multifi dus, diaphragm, and deep
erector spinae ( 1 , 24 , 25 , 27 – 32 ). Individuals with chronic LBP also tend to have weaker
Inefficient core.
228 Section 2 – Assessments, Training Concepts, and Program Design
back extensor muscles ( 33 ) and decreased muscular endurance ( 34 , 35 ). Trunk muscle
weakness by itself is an independent risk factor for developing LBP
core training program sequence
- Intervertebral stability
- Lumbopelvic stability
- Movement effi ciency
how long is core stabilization training typically and what are common exercises
4 weeks Marching ◆ Floor bridge ◆ Floor prone cobra ◆ Prone iso-ab
how long is core strength training typically and what are common exercises
4 weeks ◆ Ball crunch ◆ Back extensions ◆ Reverse crunch ◆ Cable rotations
common exercises for core power
Rotation chest pass
◆ Ball medicine ball (MB) pullover throw
◆ Front MB oblique throw
◆ Soccer throw
Which of the following are core-stabilization exercises designed to improve?
neuromuscular efficiency and intervertebral stability
Which level of core training exercise prepares an individual to dynamically stabilize and generate force at more functionally applicable speeds?
core power