Chapter 8 Flashcards
cardiorespiratory fitness
the ability of the circulatory respiratory systems to supply oxygen-rich blood to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activities
integrated cardiorespiratory training
cardiorespiratory training programs that systematically progress clients through various stages to achieve optimal levels of physiological, physical, and performance adaptations by placing stress on the cardiorespiratory systems
general warm-up
low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that do not necessarily relate to the more intense exercise that is to follow
specific warm up
low intensity exercises consisting of movements that mimic those that will be included in the more intense exercise that is to follow
the number of training sessions ina. given time frame
the level of demand that a given activity places on the body
maximal oxygen consumption VO2 max
the highest rate of oxygen transport and utilization achieved at maximal physical exertion
oxygen uptake reserve (VO2R)
the difference between resting and maximal oxygen consumption
ventilatory threshold (Tvent)
the point during graded exercise in which ventilation increases disproportionately to oxygen uptake, signifying a switch from predominately aerobic energy production to anaerobic energy production
the length of time and individual is engaged in a given activity
the type or mode of physical activity in which an individual is engaged
the amount of pleasure derived from performing physical activity
excessive frequency, volume, or intensity of training, resulting in fatigue, (which is also caused by a lack of proper rest and recovery
how long should the warm up and cool down last?
5-10 minutes
benefits of a cool down
It helps reduce heart and breathing rates, gradually cools body
temperature, returns muscles to their optimal length-tension relationships, prevents blood pooling in the lower
extremities, and restores physiological systems to baseline
frequency, intensity, time, type, and enjoyment, and it serves as the guiding principle for using
cardiorespiratory training with clients of all levels
metabolic equivalent (MET) method identifies exercise intensity in relation to how many METs the
activity requires. One MET equals a VO2 value of 3.5 mL O2 × kg bodyweight × minute and is the average resting
metabolic rate for adults. Jogging, for example, has a MET value of around 4, meaning it requires 4 times the energy
than is needed at rest
at rest only about ___to ____ of circulating blood
reaches skeletal muscle, but during intense vigorous exercise it increases up to as much as
___ to ___ % of cardiac output.
at rest - 15-20 %
Blood plasma volume also decreases with the onset of exercise, and as exercise
continues, increased blood pressure forces water from the vascular compartment to the
interstitial space. During prolonged exercise, plasma volume can decrease by as much as
___ to ___ %
10 - 20%
HRR method Karvonen method
a method of establishing training intensity based on the diff erence between a client’s predicted maximal
heart rate and their resting heart rate
RPE subjective rating of perceived exertion
is a technique used to express or validate how
hard a client feels he or she is working during exercise. When using the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method, a person is subjectively rating the perceived diffi culty
of exercise. It is based on the physical sensations a person experiences during physical
activity, including increased heart rate, increased respiration rate, increased sweating,
and muscle fatigue
principle of specificity
According to the principle of specifi city, the body will adapt to the level of
stress placed on it and will then require more or varied amounts of stress to produce a
higher level of adaptation in the future
Which of the following is a formula that determines a client’s target heart rate during exercise?
Heart rate reserve method
Which of the following best describes when a person is ready to move to stage II cardiorespiratory training from stage I?
client can maintain zone 1 for 30 min
Which of the following have a linear relationship during dynamic exercise?
heart rate and oxygen uptake
Which method of cardio should be avoided for a client who demonstrates low-back arching as a movement compensation?
Which of the following requires a client to perform cardiorespiratory exericse at maximal effort while monitoring ventilation response?
peak VO2 method