Chapter 9 Flashcards
powered air-purifying respirator. (PAPR) - Motorized respirator that uses a filter to clean surrounding air, then delivers it to the wearer to breathe.
powered air-purifying respirator. (PAPR)
SCBA is an atmosphere supplying respirator for which the user carries the breathing air supply.
In the U.S., NIOSH, and the Mine Safety and Health Administration must certify all SCBA for IDLH atmospheres.
Mine Safety and Health Administration
NIOSH classifies SCBA as either closed circuit or open circuit.
Two types of SCBA are currently being manufactured in closed or open circuit designs: pressure demand or positive pressure
pressure demand, or positive pressure
positive pressure SCBA must be worn at hazmat incidents where personnel may be exposed to hazardous materials.
positive pressure
The Supplied air respirator is an atmosphere supplying respirator where the user does not carry the breathing air source.
Supplied air respirator
Emergency breathing support system - Escape only respirator that provides sufficient air to permit the wearer to safely exit.
Emergency breathing support system
The EBSS should provide at least 5 minutes of air in case of emergency, enough to escape the hazard area into a safe atmosphere.
5 minutes
A particle mask rated N-100, meaning it is not resistant to oil.
HEPA filters used for medical emergencies must be 99.7 percent efficient, while 95 and 99 percent filters may be used depending on the health risk hazard.
The PAPR uses a blower to pass contaminated air through a canister or filter to remove the contaminants and supply the purified air to the full facepiece.
Personnel wearing respiratory equipment must have good physical conditioning, mental soundness, and emotional stability due to the physiological and psychological stresses of wearing PPE.
emotional stability
Some hazardous materials can permeate and remain in structural fire fighting clothing.
Flame resistant - Material that does not support combustion and is self extinguishing after removal of an external source of ignition.
Flame resistant
Inherently flame-resistant - Fibers that do not support combustion due to their chemical structure.
Inherently flame-resistant
Flame retardent - A chemical compound that can be incorporated into a textile item during manufacture or applied to a fiber, fabric, or other textile item during processing to reduce its flammability.
Flame retardent
Most protective clothing is designed to be impermeable to moisture, thus limiting the transfer of heat from the body through natural evaporation.
natural evaporation
Responders who may be called upon to wear CPC must be familiar with their local procedures for technical decontamination.
technical decontamination
Design and testing standards generally recognize two types of CPC: liquid splash protective and vapor protective
liquid splash protective and vapor protective
NFPA 1992 sets the minimum design criteria for one type of liquid splash protective clothing.
Vapor protective ensembles are components of ensembles to be used at chemical and biological hazmat/wmd incidents.
Vapor protective ensembles
Vapor protective clothing - Gas tight chemical protective clothing designed to meet NFPA 1991.
Vapor protective clothing
All emergency response organizations that routinely use CPC must establish a written Chemical protective clothing program and respiratory protection management program.
respiratory protection management program
CPC’s effectiveness can be reduced by three actions: permeation, degradation, and penetration
Permeation - Is a process that occurs when a chemical passes through a fabric on a molecular level.
Chemical degradation - Occurs when the characteristics of a material are altered through contact with chemical substances.
Chemical degradation
Penetration - Is a process that occurs when a hazardous material enters an opening or a puncture in a protective material.
Decontamination will not stop permeation from occurring.
Once the IAP is developed, the site safety plan will spell out ppe requirements for tasks performed at the incident.
site safety plan
Agencies responsible for responding to CBR incidents should select equipment in accordance with regulatory standard for response to such incidents, such as NIOSH standards and NFPA 1994.
The ensemble worn at an incident will vary depending on the mission of the responder.
mission of the responder
medical monitoring is required when environmental factors put you at risk
medical monitoring
Heat stroke occurs when the body’s system of temp regulation fails and body temp rises to critical levels.
Heat stroke
The elevated metabolic temps caused by a combination of workload and environmental heat load, both which contribute to heat stroke, are also highly variable and difficult to predict.
workload , heat load
Drinking 7 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes is better than drinking large quantities once an hour.
7 , 15 to 20
Wind chill, a combination of temperature and velocity, is a crucial factor to evaluate when working outside.
temperature and velocity
For example, when the actual air temp of the wind is 40F and its velocity is 35 mph, the exposed skin experiences conditions equivalent to the still air temp of 11 F.
Responders should operate within their accountability systems, and know their evacuation and escape procedures.
accountability systems
A safety briefing will be conducted before responders enter the hot zone.
safety briefing
After using ppe at an incident, fill out any associated reports or documentation as required by the AHJ.
A cylinder’s service pressure and rating are not a true indication of the overall work time.
work time
Contamination can be defined as a condition of impurity resulting from contact or mixture with a foreign substance.
Communication capabilities are required for all levels of personal protection.
Communication capabilities
Should responders lose radio communication or operate in an atmosphere not allowing radio communications, a backup system must be part of the operational plan.
operational plan
In addition to entry team signals, include an emergency evacuation signal for all responders in the incident action plan.
incident action plan
Conduct a mission briefing before the donning process to ensure that all members are attentive and there are no distractions.
mission briefing
The mission briefing should include the specifics of the mission such as the IAP and site safety plan.
site safety plan
Once the donning process has begun, the donning supervisor should prepare both the entry team and the backup team at the same rate.
donning supervisor
The safety officer should perform a final check of all equipment and closures before the teams are allowed to enter the hazard area.
safety officer
The personnel assisting in the doffing procedures should watch for signs and symptoms of heat stress.
heat stress
The last item removed from the entry personnel should be the respirator facepiece.
respirator facepiece
Operational inspections of respiratory protection equipment occur after each use, daily or weekly, monthly, and annually.
Operational inspections