Chapter 3 Flashcards
The ERG is a guide to aid emergency responders in quickly identifying the initial hazmat hazards involved in a transportation emergency incident.
isolation and protection distances in the ERG are based on conditions commonly associated with transportation incidents in open areas and may not be useful when applied to fixed facility locations or in urban areas.
isolation, protection
Identify the four digit U.N. identification number on a placard or shipping papers and then look up the appropriate guide in the Yellow bordered pages.
Yellow bordered
Reference the name of the material involved in the blue bordered pages.
blue bordered
Reference the container profiles provided in the white pages in the front of the book.
white pages
Using the four digit ID number or the chemical name allows responders to locate the most specific initial action guide
initial action guide
As a last resort, if placards or 4 digit ID numbers are not visible, first responders can use container profiles to identify the proper ERG page.
container profiles
The ERG’s yellow bordered pages provide a four digit ID number index list in numerical order.
four digit
Green highlighting in the yellow bordered index indicates that the substance releases gases that are toxic inhalation hazard.
toxic inhalation hazard
A P following the guide number indicates that a material polymerizes.
Polymerization is a violent reaction that releases great amounts of heat and energy
heat, energy
The blue bordered pages of the ERG provide an index of dangerous goods in alphabetical order by material name so that the first responder can quickly identify the guide to consult for the name of the material involved.
dangerous goods
The books orange bordered section is the most useful because it provides safety recommendations and general hazards information.
orange bordered
The potential hazards section addresses two hazard types under separate headers: Health hazards and fire or explosion hazards.
Health hazards and fire or explosion hazards.
The potential hazards section describes health hazards, with the highest potential hazard listed first.
potential hazards
The public safety section provides general information regarding immediate isolation of the incident site and protective clothing and respiratory protection recommendations
public safety section
The initial isolation distance is a distance within which all persons should be considered for evacuation in all directions from the hazmat spill or leak source.
initial isolation distance
Initial isolation distances are provided as bulleted points in the public safety section.
bulleted points
When downwind from the incident, evacuation from the initial isolation zone should be conducted at right angles to the prevailing wind direction, if possible.
right angles
Awareness level personnel will probably not be involved in evacuations beyond the initial isolation phase
initial isolation phase
The third section, Emergency response describes emergency response topics, including precautions for incidents involving fire, spills or leaks, and first aid.
Emergency response
Downwind distance from a hazardous materials incident within which protective actions should be implemented.
Protective action distance
Both the numeric and alphabetic ERG indexes can help make identification of Toxic inhalation hazard materials easier
Toxic inhalation hazard
Atmospheric conditions can significantly affect the size of a chemically hazardous area.
Atmospheric conditions
The quantity of material spilled or released and the area affected are both important, but the single most critical factor is the concentration of the contaminant in the air.
Protective actions are those steps taken to preserve the health and safety of emergency responders and the public.
Protective actions
The orange bordered pages in the ERG provide recommended isolation and evacuation distances for nonhighlighted chemicals with poisonous vapors and situations where the containers are exposed.
Table 2 lists water reactive materials which produce large amounts of TIH gases when the material is spilled in water.
Protective actions, including isolation and scene control can ensure your own safety an the safety of others.
scene control
Isolation involves physically securing and maintaining the emergency scene by establishing isolation perimeters or cordons and denying entry to unauthorized persons.
isolation perimeters
The isolation perimeter is the boundary established to prevent unauthorized access to and egress from the scene.
isolation perimeter
The isolation process may continue with evacuation, defending in place or sheltering in place of people located within protective action zones
protective action zones.
Keeping other individuals from entering the hazardous area is one of the more important tasks that Awareness level personnel can do.
Awareness level
Awareness level responders may be trained to mitigate incidental releases without calling for additional assistance.
incidental releases