Chapter 10 Flashcards
Emergency decontamination should be established at all hazmat incidents.
direct contamination - when there is contact with the source of contamination.
direct contamination
cross contamination - when contamination occurs without contacting the direct source.
cross contamination
Contaminate hazards vary depending on the material involved, but may be divided into the following types: chemical, physical, or biological.
Radiological contamination is sometimes divided into: loose surface, fixed, airborne.
Externally, alpha contamination is relatively harmless and easy to protect against using appropriate ppe whereas internal contamination with alpha emitting material is much more dangerous.
At high levels, Beta contamination can present a hazard to the skin and lens of the eye and is also dangerous when deposited internally.
Gross decon - Decon phase where surface contamination is reduced as quickly as possible.
Gross decon
Emergency decon - Decon to remove the threatening contaminant from the victim as quickly as possible without regard for the environment or property protection.
Emergency decon
Technical decon - Decon using chemical or physical methods to thoroughly remove contaminants from responders and their equipment.
Technical decon
Mass decon - Decon of large numbers of people in the fastest possible time to reduce surface contamination to a safe level.
Mass decon
Decontamination also provides victims with psychological reassurance.
psychological reassurance
Decon methods can be divided into four broad categories: wet or dry methods and physical and chemical methods.
physical and chemical
Disposal of runoff water and residue from decon operations must be properly accomplished in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
laws and regulations.
Dry materials can also be used to remove liquid chemicals by absorption.
Dry decon can be conducted using sorbent powders or similar materials.
Physical methods of decon remove the contaminant from contaminated person without changing the material chemically.
Chemical methods are used to make the contaminant less harmful by changing it through some kind of chemical process.
Because of increased awareness of firefighters cancer risk, gross decon is now recommended at all emergency incidents involving exposure to potentially hazardous substances, including the toxic products of combustion.
One advantage of gross decon is that it is conducted in the field, so the reduction of contaminants is immediate.
gross decon is a phase of decon where significant reduction of the amount of surface contamination takes place as quickly as possible.
Technical decon uses chemical or physical methods to thoroughly remove or neutralize contaminants.
In all types of decon, monitoring should be conducted to determine whether decon operations are effective.
In absorption, liquid contaminants are absorbed into an absorbent.
In adsorption, contaminants are bound to the surface of an adsorbent such as charcoal or carbon.
Brushing and scraping is used to remove large particles before other types of decon are employed
brushing and scraping
The process of chemical degradation uses a material to change the chemical structure of a hazardous material.
Evaporation is used for decon of gaseous materials such as ammonia or other materials with high vapor pressures.
Neutralization changes the pH of a corrosive, raising or lowering it towards 7 on the pH scale.
not to be performed on living tissue
Sanitization - Reduces the number of microorganisms to a safe level.
Kills most of the microorganisms present, In a decon setting, a variety of chemical or antiseptic products may be used to accomplish Disinfection.
Kills all microorganisms present. Sterilization is normally accomplished with chemicals, steam, heat, or radiation.
Solidification is not used for personnel decontamination.
Emergency responders should not overlook existing facilities when identifying means for rapid decon methods.
existing facilities
For example, with some radiological and biological agents, clothing should be dampened before removal ahead of showering to limit the potential of aerosolizing the agents.
Ambulatory victims should be directed to an area of safe refuge within the isolation perimeter to await prioritization for decon.
safe refuge
For example, after skin contact with nerve agents, industrial chemical agents, and vesicants, emergency decon should be conducted immediatley.
Ambulatory victims showing signs of contamination or symptoms of exposure to chemical agents should be directed to undergo emergency decon.
The decon process for nonambulatory victims at mass casualty incidents will be more of gross decon process, conducted quickly.
In most cases where emergency decon and mass decon are needed, dilution is the solution.
Victim management activities in an incident requiring decontamination include: triage and handling deceased victims
triage and handling deceased victims
Prioritization of victims can be done using medical triage systems such as start.
In most instances, triage will be conducted in the cold zone after decon has been performed.
Procedures for conducting triage victims should be predetermined within the local emergency response plan.
local emergency response plan
Responders must consider ethical issues when removing the deceased and handle them with the utmost level of respect and dignity.
ethical issues
Victims may be traumatized, so communication must be clear and easily understood.
In mass decon situations, you will wear whatever ppe you have available when you arrive on the scene.
In technical decon situations where the hazardous material has been identified, use NIOSH guides and manufacturer’s recommendations to determine appropriate chemical protective clothing and respiratory protection.
Covers or sheeting should be used to form the technical decontamination corridor regardless of whether the surface is porous.
Covers or sheeting
Responders should establish the decon corridor before performing any work in the hot zone.
All bags that contain contaminated clothing should remain in the warm zone on the dirty side of the decon line.
Individuals who have been exposed to chemical agents should undergo emergency decon immediately, regardless of ambient temps.
ambient temps
When evidence passes through the decon corridor, chain of custody must be documented per AHJ procedures.
chain of custody
Tools and equipment will normally need to be stored in the decon area until the emergency phase of the operation is completed.
emergency phase
After concluding decon activities, a debriefing needs to be held as soon as its practical for those involved in the incident.
The activity log may be preformatted and must document the chronology of the events and activities that occurred during the incident and decon procedure.
activity log
In the U.S. OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1020 should be followed as a guide for requirements involving medical records and maintaining exposure reports.