Chapter 7 Flashcards
Implementing the action plan is the third step in the APIE process, following analysis and planning.
analysis and planning
A crucial step in implementing the action plan is initiating the incident management system.
incident management system
An incident management system is a management framework used to organize emergency incidents.
management framework
System described in NFPA 1561, Standard on emergency services IMS and command safety, that defines the roles, responsibilities, and SOP’s used to manage emergency operations.
Incident management system
NIMS-ICS combines command strategy with organizational procedures.
organizational procedures
NFPA 1026 and NFPA 1561 both include more information on ICS structure and applications.
1026, 1561
Command, operations, planning, logistics, finance administration
Command has the delegated authority to direct, order, and control resources.
Responders should follow the chain of command and use correct radio protocols.
radio protocols
Strategic level - Entails the overall direction and goals of the incident.
Strategic level
Tactical level - Identifies the objectives that the tactical level supervisor must achieve to meet strategic goals.
Tactical level
Task level - Describes the specific tasks needed to meet tactical level requirements and assigns these tasks to operational units, companies, or individuals.
Task level
Although the safety officer may exercise emergency authority to stop or prevent unsafe acts when immediate action is required, the Officer generally chooses to correct them through regular lines of authority.
The Safety officer must ensure that safety briefings are conducted for entry team personnel before entry.
Safety officer
The Operations Section directly manages all incident tactical activities, the tactical priorities, as well as the safety and welfare of personnel working in the divisions or groups.
Operations Section
divided into branches, divisions, or groups.
The Operations section chief reports directly to the IC and is responsible for managing all operations that directly affect the primary mission of eliminating a problem incident.
Operations section chief
The operations section chief directs the tactical operations to meet the IC’s strategic goals.
tactical operations
One of the functions of the Ops section is the establishment and maintenance of the Staging area.
Staging area
The Planning section gathers, assimilates, analyzes, and processes information needed for effective decision-making.
Planning section
Command uses the information compiled by Planning to develop strategic goals and contingency plans.
contingency plans
Specific units under the Planning section include the resource unit, situation unit, demobilization unit, documentation unit and technical specialists.
technical specialists
The logistics section is the support mechanism for the organization.
logistics section
Support branch and service branch are two branches within the logistics section.
service branch
The service branch includes medical, communications, and food services.
food services
The support branch includes supplies, facilities, and ground support.
ground support
The finance administration section is established when agencies responding to incidents have a specific need for financial services.
finance administration section
Specific units under the Finance administration section include : Time unit, procurement unit, Compensation unit, cost unit.
cost unit
The intelligence and information section is established at incidents when WMDs or criminal activities are suspected.
intelligence, information
A smooth and efficient transfer of command contributes greatly to bringing an incident to a timely and successful conclusion.
The IC has overall responsibility for managing the incident and must be trained at the hazardous materials operations level.
When command is transferred, the former IC must announce the change to avoid any possible confusion caused by others hearing a different voice.
former IC
Announcing the change of command keeps all responders informed of essential information during a rapidly evolving incident.
essential information
After the incident briefing, the Incoming IC should determine an appropriate time for transfer of command.
Incoming IC
The ICS form 201 is especially designed to assist in incident briefings.
Control of an incident involving multiple agencies with overlapping authority and responsibility is accomplished through the use of unified command.
unified command
Memorandum of Understanding - Form of written agreement created by a coalition to make sure that each member is aware of the importance of his or her participation and cooperation.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Hazmat functions will be based on the AHJ and the needs of the IC at the actual scene.
The purpose of the IAP is to develop the necessary strategy and tactics to affect a positive and safe outcome.
strategy and tactics
Tactics are the operational tasks that are used to accomplish the strategies.
Tactics should be measurable in both time and performance.
time and performance
Emergency response plans must ensure that responders understand their role in the notification process and predetermined procedures such as SOPs.
In the U.S., the notification process is detailed in the National response framework, and all local, state, and federal emergency response plans must comply with these provisions.
National response framework
The first responders in the U.S. should turn to the Local emergency response plan if they need to request outside assistance for an incident.
Local emergency response plan
DMAT teams provide emergency medical care during disasters or other events.
In most cases, the outcomes of an onsite risk assessment determine the initial isolation perimeter established.
onsite risk assessment
To determine the perimeter size, the IC should consult with other onsite agency commanders to ensure that the spatial requirements and tactical objectives can be met.
spatial requirements
Hazard control zones - System of barriers surrounding designated areas at emergency scenes, intended to limit the number of persons exposed to a hazard and to facilitate its mitigation.
Hazard control zones
Control zones are not necessarily static and can be adjusted as the incident changes.
In the U.S., the FBI will establish a control perimeter at 1.5 times the distance of the farthest known piece of evidence.
An event that has multiple devices or release points is unique to terror events and may require a nontraditional scene management plan.
scene management plan
The staging area needs to be located in an isolated spot in a safe area where occupants cannot interfere with ongoing operations.
staging area
During a risk based response, responders must wear appropriate PPE to protect against hazards.
risk based response
Accountability systems are especially important for incidents involving multiple agencies and organization.
NFPA and OSHA mandate the use of buddy systems and backup personnel at hazmat incidents.
Using time, distance, shielding is an effective strategy to protect first responders at hazmat incidents.
time, distance, shielding
At hazmat incidents, a signaling system should be used that will advise personnel inside the danger area when to evacuate.
signaling system
Before attempting a rescue, evaluate the location and viability of the victim as well as available tools and equipment.
location and viability
First responders without mission specific training should avoid contact with hazardous materials.
mission specific training
Viable victims who are contaminated should be moved as carefully as possible, and transferred to the care of medical responders located within the initial isolation zone or hot zone.
initial isolation zone
If there are injured victims at the scene, first responders must always be aware of the potential dangers of contamination and the need to decontaminate as part of the treatment process.
treatment process
Generally, if there is enough time for evacuation, it is the best protective action.
protective action
Evacuation and traffic control activities on the downwind side could cause responders and evacuees to become contaminated and, consequently, need decontamination.
downwind side
Sheltering in place may be more effective if public education has been initiated ahead of the incident via emergency planning.
Sheltering in place
Protecting/defending in place is an active role or aggressive posture to physically protect those individuals in harms way.
Exposure protection is a defensive control tactic.
When vapors and gases are heavier than air, it may be safest to shelter in place in high rise or multi-level structures.
shelter in place
Protective actions must be tailored to the material, its properties, and any reactions to the proposed protective medium.
protective medium
There are two main product control strategies, one primarily defensive, and one offensive.
defensive, offensive
Spill control is a defensive strategy that attempts to confine a hazardous material that has been released from its container.
Spill control
Leak control is an offensive strategy that attempts to contain a material in its original container, or transfer it to another container.
Leak control
The pattern of scattered debris may tell investigators about the force of an explosion.
force of an explosion
Residue on debris can help identify what explosive materials were used.
The final aspect of the APIE process is looking back or evaluating progress.
evaluating progress
In accordance with predetermined communication procedures, first responders should communicate the status of the planned response and the progress of their actions to the IC.
predetermined communication
Normally, the last strategic goals at a hazardous materials emergency are recovery and termination efforts.
recovery and termination
Recovery deals with returning the incident scene and responders to a preincident level of readiness.
Termination involves documenting the incident and using this information to evaluate the response.
Onscene recovery efforts aim to return the scene to a safe condition.
Onscene debriefing, conducted in the form of a group discussion, gathers information from all operating personnel, including law enforcement, public works, and ems responders
During the hazardous communication briefing provide personnel with information concerning the signs and symptoms of overexposure to the hazardous materials involved in the incident.
hazardous communication briefing
Operational recovery involves actions necessary to return resource forces to preincident readiness.
In order to conclude an incident, the IC must ensure that all strategic goals have been accomplished and the requirements of laws have been met.
The termination phase involves two procedural actions: postincident critiques and postincident analysis.
postincident critiques and postincident analysis
OSHA Title 29 CFR 1910.120 mandates that incidents are critiqued for the purposes of identifying operational deficiencies and learning from mistakes.
The postincident analysis process compiles the information obtained from the debriefings, postincident reports, and critiques to identify trends regarding operational strengths and weaknesses.
postincident analysis
Postincident analysis forms the basis for improved response.
improved response