Chapter 15 Flashcards
Responders must develop and implement a fast and accurate analysis for a successful response to an incident at an illicit lab.
illicit lab
Depending on the level of sophistication of the individual involved, illicit labs might contain makeshift or on the spot equipment or true laboratory grade equipment.
on the spot
Glovebox - Sealed container equipped with long cuff gloves on one facet to allow handling of materials within the container.
Homemade gloveboxes are simple to make and may indicate a potential biological lab.
Methamphetamine - Central nervous system stimulant drug that can be produced in small labs.
The process of making meth is called cooking, and many different recipes or methods exist.
Flammability is perhaps the most serious hazard associated with meth labs.
The Red P method of cooking meth produces a byproduct, phosphine gas, a highly toxic flammable gas.
Red P
Meth production processes also generate byproducts of hydrogen chloride gas and hydroiodic acid liquid that may vaporize into the atmosphere.
hydroiodic acid
Phosphine - Colorless, flammable, and toxic gas with an odor of garlic or decaying fish.
Chemicals and products typically found in meth labs include materials that can be categorized by their functions as precursors, solvents, reagents, and catalysts.
Anhydrous ammonia, used in meth production, will turn the brass fittings Blue on propane cylinders and other containers.
For every pound of meth produced, labs generate approximately 6 pounds of hazardous waste.
The production of BHO, a potent form of concentrated marijuana, presents hazards because it uses butane gas.
Organophosphate pesticides - Chemicals that kill insects by disrupting their central nervous systems.
Organophosphate pesticides
After drug labs, explosive labs are the second most common type of lab encountered.
Scales and Thermometers may be used in explosive labs.
Some common homemade explosives are peroxide based , but other types of explosives are even simpler.
peroxide based
peroxide based explosives are sensitive to heat, shock, and friction.
peroxide based
The peroxide explosive manufacturing process may use acetone and hydrogen peroxide as well as many acids.
Autoclave - A device that uses high pressure steam to sterilize objects.
Centrifuges may be used in viral labs.
Castor beans and rosary peas are sources of biological toxins.
rosary peas
Agar plates and petri dishes may be used to grow biological cultures.
Cell lysis equipment may include bench top laboratory roller mills and other pulverization equipment.
Biothreat agent laboratories can yield pathogen that are liquids, powders, and slurries. Powdered agents pose the most serious hazard to responders because they can easily become resuspended, resulting in an increased inhalation and contamination hazard.
pathogen, resuspended
Examples of radiological materials including smoke detectors, a Fiestaware dish, lantern mantles and other sources.
Contamination by contrast, often presents as an ingestion or inhalation hazard due to the free moving nature of the material.
Remember to always keep your exposure to radiological materials as low as reasonably achievable.
as low as reasonably achievable.
Special nuclear materials emit neutrons which can be reflected and potentiated by materials and objects containing hydrogen.
In the U.S., sop’s for illicit lab responses need to follow rules established by OSHA 1910.120.
Operations should begin at an illicit laboratory only after a careful risk analysis and an effective Incident Action Plan are developed.
risk analysis
At illicit labs, first responders are likely to conduct site reconnaissance and hazard identification with EOD personnel.
site reconnaissance
As part of the site risk assessment process, responders will need to assess atmospheric hazards.
site risk assessment
Local response plans should ensure the availability and use proper equipment based on risks identified during assessment size up.
As in all responses, responses to illicit drug WMD labs should apply standard priorities of scene operations as a part of the response plan.
response plan
Responders should base decontamination procedures upon the results of the risk assessment process.
risk assessment
Decontamination for tactical scenarios should be based upon a rapid deployment.
rapid deployment
Responders must familiarize themselves with local, state, and federal agency policies concerning the remediation of illicit drug/WMD scenes.
remediation - Fixing or correcting a fault, error, or deficiency.
Training and exercising together increases the success and safety of joint operations
joint operations
Agencies should write an after action report after each incident, with input from all involved, and a copy furnished to all participating agencies, departments.
after action report