Chapter 87: Soft Tissues of the Oral Cavity Flashcards
What are the soft tissues of the oral cavity?
Lips and cheeks
What is the blood supply to the upper lip?
The lower lips?
Upper: infraorbital artery
Lower: facial artery
The tongue is composed almost entirely of what?
skeletal muscle
What are the two parts of the tongue?
Root - anchors to oropharynx
Body - attached to oral floor by the frenulum/sublingual fold
What are the 3 paired extrinsic muscles of the root of the tongue (controlled by the hypoglossal nerve)?
Styloglossus - pull tongue caudally
Hyoglossus - depress and retract
Genioglossus - depress and protrude
What is the lyssa of the tongue?
Tubelike structure of muscle, fat and cartilage on ventral midline.
One theory is that it is a stretch receptor?
Papillae are the bumps on the tongue. What are four functions?
- Protect tongue from objects in mouth
- assist in prehension of things
- Taste (gustatory)
- Facilitate grooming (combs) especially in cats
What are the three forms of gustatory papillae?
Two forms of non-gustatory?
fungiform, vallate, foliate
filiform, conical (cats are hooks)
What nerves control the soft palate?
CN 9 and 10 (glossopharyngeal, vagus)
What are tonsils?
lymph tissues
What are the three phases of deglutition (swallowing)?
Oropharyngeal (voluntary oral phase CN 5, 7, 12 / pharyngeal phase is reflex CN 9 and 10)
Where is the swallowing center?
In the brainstem