Chapter 8 Disorders Flashcards
Formation of under-developed brainstem without cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres
Occurs when cranial end of neural tube remains open, forebrain doesn’t develop
Arnold-chiari type I
Deformity of the hindbrain
Herniation of cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum into vertebral canal
Excess amount of CSF within ventricles
Arnold-chiari type II
Malformation of brainstem and cerebellum
Leads to extension of medulla and cerebellum through foramen magnum
Cranial nerves 6,7,8 adversely affected
Spina bifida occulta
Neural tube defect results when inferior neuropore doesn’t close
Spine bifida apperta
Meninges and sometimes spinal cord protrude through posterior opening in vertebrae
3 types: Meningocele, Myelomeningocele, Myeloschisis
Protrusion of meninges through bony defect
Neural tissue and meninges protrude outside the body
Malformed spinal cord open to the surface of the body
Tethered spinal cord
End of the spinal cord adheres to one of the lower vertebra tethering the spinal cord to the bone
Exposure to alcohol/cocaine in Utero
Groove above upper lip, thin upper lip, short vertical space between eyelids
Malformation of cerebellum, cerebral nuclei, corpus callosum, neuralgia, and neural tube
Displacement of gray matter
Cerebral palsy
Movement and postural disorder caused by abnormal brain development, or permanent nonprogressive damage to developing brain
Hypotonic cp
Very low muscle tone → floppy
Spastic cp
Stiffer than normal
Less resistance to slow stretch, more to fast stretch