Chapter 15 Cerebellum Flashcards
Cerebellum function
adjusts posture and coordinates movement
cerebellar functions are nonconscious
does not directly influence muscle activity
optimizes cognitive, emotional, and social function
Mossy fibers
originate in the brainstem and spinal cord and convey somatosensory, arousal, balance, and cerebral cortex information into the cerebellum
Climbing fibers
originate in the inferior olivary nucleus and convey information regarding movement errors to the cerebellum
Cerebellum has 3 lobes
regulates equilibrium and is the functional name for the flocculonodular lobe
provides cerebellum with info about head movement and head position with respect to gravity
influence eye movement
damage causes unsteadiness when reaching for a book
coordinates gross limb movements and is functional name for anterior lobe vermis and the paravermal regions
makes anticipatory, corrective, and responsive adjustments to movements
damage causes arm movements when reaching to be jerky and inaccurate
coordinates precise, distal voluntary movements and functional name for posterior lobe and lateral part of anterior lobe
damage causes clumsy grasp of the book
Vestibulocerebellum receives input from
ipsilateral vestibular apparatus and ipsilateral vestibular nuclei in the brainstem
receives info from visual cortex
Spinocerebellum receives input from
the cortex
information from spinal cord to cerebellum travels in
spinocerebellar pathways and tracts
High-accuracy spinocerebellar pathways
posterior spinocerebellar pathway
cuneocerebellar pathway
posterior spinocerebellar pathway
transmits proprioceptive info from lower limbs and the lower trunk
cuneocerebellar pathway
Carries unconscious, proprioceptive information to the cerebellum from the upper extremities
2 internal feedback tracts
anterior spinocerebellar tract
rostrospinocerebellar tract
anterior spinocerebellar tract
rostrospinocerebellar tract
originate in spinal gray matter
inform cerebellum of UMN commands delivered to the interneurons that synapse with LMNs, activity of spinal reflexes circuits, and proprioceptive input to the spinal cord