Chapter 8: Communicating with Employees Flashcards
Effective____ is an essential part of successful supervision.
____ is the exchange of information, facts, ideas, and meanings.
The person who is talking, writing, calling, or communicating nonverbally.
The sender
What is being sent such as an instruction, a suggestion, an invitation, a new idea, or some other signal.
The message
The means by which the message is sent, including face-to-face, over the phone, by e-mail, or by text message.
The medium
The person who gets the message.
The receiver
The return message that the receiver gives to the sender.
Factors that distort or block the message.
There are two types of communication:
One-way and Two-way
____ communication occurs when the sender transmits information, facts, ideas, and meanings to the receiver and gets a response.
As a supervisor, you should use ____ communication sparingly, and only when you are absolutely certain that no part of your message will be misinterpreted.
Effective ____ is behavior that transmits a meaning (the message) from one person (the sender) to another (the receiver) in a way that the message is understood.
____, for example, includes the tone of voice, pitch, emphasis, speed, loudness, and pauses you use when speaking.
____ is closely related to verbal communication but concerns how something is said rather than what is said.
____ can communicate meaning in ways that words alone cannot.
____ involves the position or movement of the body such as posture, gestures, and facial expressions.
Body language
Personal style is a form of ____ communication.
No matter what the barrier, either party in a two-way exchange can try to improve communication by asking for ____.
____ does not have to be given in the same medium as it was received.
____ is a key component of effective communication.
____ listening goes beyond merely hearing: it means understanding what the other person is saying.
Becoming a ____ listener will improver your communication capacity.
____ requires you to give your undivided attention to another person and to attempt to understand what is being communicated.
Active listening
____ is an integral part of the active listening process: it lets your employees know that you are truly listening.
____ is a from of feedback that helps you demonstrate you have understood correctly and that gives employees the opportunity to make themselves clear.
____ communication such as e-mail texting, instant messaging, and tweeting are valuable resources for today’s supervisors.
____ messages are best delivered in person; that way you can make sure you are taking into account the receiver’s feelings
____ communication seems to have almost unlimited potential to increase workplace efficiency and effectiveness.
____ in the workplace has wide-reaching effects on the entire organization.
____ teams of people process more information and arrive at more effective solutions
____ (people born between 1922-19945) are of retirement age but many remain in the workforce.
People born between 1946-1964
Baby boomers
People born between 1965-1980
Generation X
People born between 1980-2000
Generation Y or Millennials
____ often occurs when something in our won background, culture, or experience makes us see people as members of a group rather than as individuals.
____ is an essential component of building a strong, productive team.