Chapter 2: Supervisory Leadership Flashcards
____ is a constant area of research, discussion, scrutiny, and attention.
____ emerge at all levels of the organizations.
From a practical perspective, ____ is a partnership that requires shared commitment and consent from those who choose to follow the leader.
____ comes through the development of respect, trust, and commitment.
____, as originally developed by Ken Blanchard, suggests that theirs is no best style of leadership, and that successful leaders adapt their style to the situation at hand.
Situational leadership
As a supervisor, you have three primary sources of influence: ?
Role, Reputation and Behavior
The power and authority that comes with your ____as a supervisor provides one source of influence.
Leaders who use ____ to intimidate their employees rarely achieve the highest levels of productivity.
Effective leaders do not rely solely on the authority vested in their ___ or title.
Your ____ as a supervisor is your second major source of influence.
____ is the story that peers, subordinates, and others tell about you.
Effective leaders earn a positive ____ by building trust with those they lead.
The key to influential leadership is in your ____ as a leader
When leadership is defined as ____ rather than ____, it becomes clear that you can learn to do what it takes to become a successful leader.
behavior / traits
Learning to do what it takes to be an effective leader requires ongoing training to increase both your ___and ___.
knowledge and skills
Effective leadership training begins on the ____ end of your supervisory role and should continue over the course of your career.
Knowing yourself and how you respond to situations and behave is a critical first step in ____.
leadership development
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership:
- MODEL the way
- INSPIRE a shared vision
- CHALLENGE the process
- ENABLE other to act
- ENCOURAGE the heart
Having the courage of your convictions is vital to your effectiveness and ____ as a leader.
One way to increase ____ is to gather information about others’ perceptions of your leadership style.
self awareness
Leadership self-care has three dimensions: ?
Physical fitness, Intellectual fitness, and Emotional fitness
Maintaining your physical well-being and managing your ____ are important to leadership effectiveness.
Your ability to lead an supervise is directly related to your ability to maintain your____.
emotional fitness
Becoming an effective and successful leader is a lifelong ___.
The good news is that a _____ can be changed because you control the most important aspect of the story – your _____ as a supervisor.
reputation / behavior
The myth of a natural-born leader is based on the assumption that certain ____ will make an individual a successful leader.
As a local government leader, you area a steward of the public ___ and public ____; this makes your ethical convictions and confidence even more important.
trust and funds
You should approach every situation as an opportunity to learn something new, even is if is ________.
how not to lead
- Daniel Goleman describes a four part model for ____ or ____.
emotional intelligence or EQ
Your ____ or ____, is as important in the workplace as your IQ.
emotional intelligence or EQ
The ability to read your own emotions, know your strengths and limitations, and recognize how your moods affect others.
The ability to control your emotions and act with honesty and integrity in reliable and adaptable ways.
The ability to sense other people’s emotions and show you care by changing your words and actions when their impact on others is negative
Social awareness
The ability to communicate clearly and convincingly , disarm conflicts, and build strong personal bonds, often with humor and kindness
Relationship management