Chapter 8 Flashcards
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inborn pattern of behavior elicited by environmental stimuli; also known as a fixed action pattern
aversion therapy
application of counterconditioning in which a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unpleasant unconditioned stimulus
associative learning
formation of connections among stimuli and behaviors. If A happens, B is likely to also happen
higher-order conditioning
learning in which stimuli associated with a conditioned stimulus also elicit conditioned responses
latent inhibition
slower learning that occurs when a conditioned stimulus is already familiar than when unfamiliar
conditioned reinforcer
gains value from being associated with other things that are valued.
negative reinforcement
method for increasing behaviors that allow an organism to escape or avoid an unpleasant consequence
latent learning
learning that happens without reinforcement. You learn just as well without reinforcement, but do not feel the need to prove yourself until reinforcement is provided
fixed ratio (FR)
reinforcement occurs following a set number of behaviors
variable interval (VI)
first response following a varying period is reinforced
fixed interval (FI)
first response following a specified interval is reinforced
relatively permanent change in behavior or the capacity for behavior due to experience
variable ratio (VR)
reinforcement occurs following some variable number of behaviors
operant conditioning
type of learning in which associations are formed between behaviors and their comsequences. also known as Instrumental
classical conditioning
type of learning in which associations form between two stimuli that occur sequentially in time. also known as Pavlovian
nonassociative learning
learning that involves changes in the magnitude of responses to stimuli. Includes habituation and sensitization.
Decreases our reactions to repeated stimuli that are found to be unchanging and harmless. Nonassociative learning
increased reaction to many stimuli following exposure to one strong stimulus. Nonassociative learning.
conditioned stimulus (CS)
environmental event whose significance is learned through classical conditioning
unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
elicits a response without prior experience
conditioned response (CR)
reaction learned through classical conditioning
unconditioned response (UCR)
reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that requires no previous experience
feature of classical conditioning in which a conditioned stimulus predicts the nonoccurrence of an unconditioned stimulus
development of a learned response
spontaneous recovery
during extinction training, the reappearance of conditioned responses after periods of rest
tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to an original conditioned stimulus