Chapter 8 Flashcards
learned patterns of perceptions, values, and behaviors shared by a group of people
- dynamic
- heterogeneous
- operates within power structures
Intercultural Communication
Communication that occurs between people who are culturally different
- occurs on a continuum of similarity and difference
3 Types of Border Dwellers
- Through travel: voluntary or involuntary movement from one place to another
- Through socialization: growing up on the border between different social identity categories (Asian-American)
- Through Relationships: occurs when romantic partners come from different cultures
Individualism v. Collectivism
Individualism: focus on independent and personal achievement
Collectivism: focus on group harmony and cooperation
Preferred Personality
To do: emphasis on working hard for material gains (live to work)
To be: emphasis on spending time with others and enjoying life (work to live)
View of human nature
Humans are inherently good or bad
Human-Nature Value
- Humans should rule nature
- Humans are at nature’s mercy
- Humans and nature live in harmony
Power Distance
High power distance cultures expect and accept unequal distribution of power and wealth (monarchy)
Low power distance cultures strive for equality and believe in the ability to change your power or status
Indulgence v. Restraint
Indulgence orientation: desires should be gratified as they arise
Restrain orientation: desires should be suppressed to adhere to social norms
Dialectical Approaches
- avoids dichotomous thinking
- favors “both/and” thinking over “either/or” thinking
Culture-Individual Dialectic
behaviors can be explained by both cultural and individual forces
Personal-Contextual Dialectic
behaviors can be explained by both contextual and individual forces
Difference-Similarities Dialectic
focuses on BOTH the divergences AND concurrences of cultures
Static-Dynamic Dialectic
Recognizes that cultures are capable changing AND staying the same
History/Past-Present/Future Dialectic
Recognizes how current cultures differ and remain the same as cultures of the past
Privilege-Disadvantage Dialectic
Recognizes that people can be simultaneously privileged and disadvantaged
Steve’s after-school experience
Ethical Intercultural Communication
- Understand that culture influences everybody’s communication
- Avoid the “zoo approach” (dehumanizing)
- Be open to alternative views of the world
Improving Intercultural Communication Skills
- Increase your motivation
- increase your knowledge of self and others (cyclical)
- Avoid stereotypes
Cocultural Groups
Significant minority groups within a dominant majority that do not share dominant group values or communication patterns
3 options: assimilation, accommodation, or separation
Encapsulated v. Constructive Marginal People
Encapsulated: feel disintegrated by having to constantly shift between cultures
Constructive: thrive in their border life while recognizing its challenges